Manchester Evening News

Extraordin­ary times require an extraordin­ary response


EXTRAORDIN­ARY times require an extraordin­ary response. We are a part of both of these things right now, as we seek to support Manchester through the coronaviru­s outbreak and its far-reaching impacts.

The city has faced and overcome many challenges since I became leader of the council in 1996, but nothing like this pandemic, something which affects every single one of us.

We have built on plans developed across Greater Manchester to establish structures that underpin our work with the NHS, government, other local authoritie­s and Greater Manchester Combined Authority to provide leadership and co-ordination, with the council’s chief executive, Joanne Roney, and I both sitting on Greater Manchester’s Emergency Committee.

But the impacts on our people and businesses of the many challenges arising from the spread of COVID-19 – and the prolonged lockdown to limit it – also demand a range of innovative responses. It is those urgent actions, particular­ly those being led by the council, that I want to focus on here.

help for the most vulnerable

This week we launched a helpline for the most vulnerable people in the city so they can access essential support.

It’s aimed primarily at Manchester residents aged over 70 who are self-isolating and have no support network; those who are medically more at-risk from coronaviru­s (who have received a letter from the NHS telling them they need to self-shield for 12 weeks); and others who are self-isolating but without family or friends for support.

Staffed by council workers, the helpline will help co-ordinate deliveries of food and medication – linking in with our distributi­on hub at New Smithfield Market. It will also provide other support such as help with fuel top-up payments or even combating loneliness. Eligible people who need it, or those caring for them, can reach it on 0800 2346123 (Monday to Saturday, 8.30am-5.30pm). Every district in Greater Manchester has made similar arrangemen­ts.

Other support includes targeted support for the most at-risk, including those living in care homes or receiving home care, and making sure that those looking after them feel equipped to protect themselves and others.

People who are homeless are particular­ly at risk. We have taken urgent action to support them, including securing extra accommodat­ion to enable people sleeping rough to get off the streets and self-isolate.

financial assistance

We have launched a voucher scheme to contribute towards the cost of children’s lunches for school age children who would normally receive free school meals, or whose families are homeless or facing particular hardship because of the coronaviru­s situation. The scheme pays £10 a week to the family for each school age child in the household.

We are leading work with the voluntary sector and city businesses to ensure food banks are stocked and food packages can be distribute­d to those in need. Any businesses or voluntary and community sector organisati­ons who can help, or have any queries, can contact: Many whose jobs have been impacted, or even lost, as a result of the crisis will need financial help and we are taking a flexible and empathetic approach. Any Manchester resident who is struggling with Council Tax payments is encouraged to email: so our staff can ensure you are getting the support you need. We are writing to businesses in the city with details of business rates relief – up to 100 per cent for the retail, leisure and hospitalit­y sector, and grants to which they are entitled and have made sure no payments are taken until that support is received. And we are continuing to work on further financial support packages for those in the most hardship. For more informatio­n and the latest updates on council services you can visit: https://secure.manchester.­s


While I am proud of the efforts of council staff, it will of course take a huge collective effort to get through this. Healthcare workers deserve all the acclaim they are getting. But by following government guidelines and public health advice and looking after each other, every Manchester residents can play a part. The voluntary and community sector will be crucial in helping us get through this.

We Love MCR, the Lord Mayor of Manchester’s Charity, has set up a Covid Community Response Fund to give money to the amazing Manchester groups and charities which are helping keep people safe, fed and supported.

One of Manchester’s distinctiv­e strengths is its ability to harness its collective efforts to a shared purpose. Manchester together. It’s rarely been more needed – but it’s never been more evident.

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