Manchester Evening News

The panic buyers are ruining it for us all

Short-sighted to close tips Gardening is essential Frankly Mr Shankly... no Don’t throw in-date tins

- Write to: Viewpoints, M.E.N, Mitchell Henry House, Hollinwood Avenue, Oldham, OL9 8EF Or email:

I JUST wanted to say a very huge thank you to the ridiculous panicbuyin­g hoarders of stockpiled toilet paper, hand wash and sanitiser.

You’ve now completely destroyed this normal, once considered a monthly or fortnightl­y purchase no one really gave a second thought to.

Thanks to you, these rare and I mean RARE essentials that used to be stocked on the shelves as normal as eggs and bread (also in huge decline and huge demand) are overpriced and in very short supply.

This obscene and ludicrous panic buying needs to stop immediatel­y. There is absolutely no need for it. What were you had-been so-called humans hoping to achieve, or expecting to happen to humanity?

We are now being robbed blind and ripped off to buy hand wash that used to cost on average £1 or less. It is now over £5, if not more, if you can get it as it is now out of stock everywhere! Get a serious grip please and be considerat­e and patient.

Thank you for ruining the lives of decent, considerat­e people, some of whom can’t leave the house for 12 weeks!

Stephen, angry and upset self-isolating consumer

Greta is an inspiratio­n

FOR those who are willing to learn, the coronaviru­s disaster has taught us two things: first, that we are all world citizens whether we like it or not, and second, the world is desperatel­y short of inspiratio­nal leaders.

The world’s scientists and doctors are working like mad to understand the workings of this dreadful scourge, partly for the benefit of the current world population and partly to find a way of preventing a re-occurrence of this or similar diseases.

Such people are the heroes of the hour, they work well under stress and doubtless will be successful in stopping the onward march of Covid-19, although the overarchin­g question will be, how long before another virus strikes?

World leaders realising the seriousnes­s of the situation have instituted various forms of lockdown, some more draconian than others, in their efforts to contain the virus and protect their citizens. But who among the world leaders could be considered inspiratio­nal?

The suggestion that Greta Thunberg might be pleased to note the reduction of pollution due to world-wide travel restrictio­ns completely misses the point (Viewpoints, March 31).

Greta has proven to be a truly inspiratio­nal leader. Coming from nowhere she has inspired millions, and not just among the young. Her message has jolted the conscience­s of many who had previously taken a relaxed view of global warming.

And don’t forget, Greta does not live in an ivory tower, she is at risk from the scourge of the coronaviru­s and she, like the rest of us, has hostages to fortune in the shape of friends and family, for whom she is no doubt fearful at this dreadful time.

Rod Slater, Lymm

IT’S a very short-sighted council that closes its tips to the public.

We are already seeing the inevitable increase in fly-tipping, with councils then having to spend money cleaning up the waste. While there is a small risk of contagion to workers in the open air, it is surely a much smaller risk than the spread of infestatio­n from rats and other diseases resulting from the accumulati­on of waste in our streets.

Think again councils. Re-open the tips!

Terry Dean, via email

SURELY garden centres should be regarded as ‘essential’ outlets within the coronaviru­s rules?

We are frequently told that trees and greenery are desperatel­y needed in large numbers to combat climate change and improve air quality in general across the planet.

It must surely therefore be critical for plants and shrubs to continue growing and flourishin­g in people’s gardens, rather than being allowed to rot and die in their millions? John McCarthy, Droylsden

IN view of the present crisis I hope we can now disregard Bill Shankly’s aphorism about football being more important than life or death.

Doug Meredith, Manchester

JUST read about food waste in the M.E.N. (April 1).

Why throw out tinned food unless it’s out of date? If it was bought when panic buying it should still be in date.

Paulina Noone, Longsight

 ??  ?? Stand Church and daffodils taken by Colin Morrison of Whitefield. If you have a stunning picture, then we’d love to see it. Send your photos to us at viewpoints@men-news., marking them Picture of the Day.
Stand Church and daffodils taken by Colin Morrison of Whitefield. If you have a stunning picture, then we’d love to see it. Send your photos to us at viewpoints@men-news., marking them Picture of the Day.

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