Manchester Evening News

Salford staff laid off



SALFORD Red Devils have placed the majority of staff on furlough leave as a result of the suspension of the 2020 Betfred Super League season.

The sport as a whole in this country was suspended on March 16, initially until April 3.

But RFL chief executive Ralph Rimmer confirmed last week that tomorrow was never deemed likely to see the green light given to resume proceeding­s and with an indefinite pause now in place, clubs are understand­ably finding themselves forced to take unpreceden­ted measures.

Rugby league teams are hugely dependent on matchday revenues and with none coming their way for the foreseeabl­e future, many have taken the decision to furlough staff.

Under a government scheme announced in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, 80 per cent of a worker’s salary - up to a limit of £2,500 per month - will be provided while they are on furlough leave. Many clubs across Super League have already announced that they are utilising the scheme and the Red Devils became the latest to take such action.

“Following the suspension of the 2020 Betfred Super League season, Salford Red Devils have placed the majority of staff on furlough leave,” said a statement from the club. “This measure has been taken to ensure job security for all employees and protect the club’s future. Salford Red Devils will continue to keep supporters updated on the club’s activity throughout the suspended season across the website and social media channels.”

Talks involving the RFL and Super League are believed to be ongoing regarding what should happen to players who are currently on the highest salaries. George Burgess - one of Wigan’s designated marquee signings ahead of the 2020 season - told Australia’s Fox League Morning Show last week that some players had been warned they could lose out on up to three-quarters of their wages.

“We’re on a week-to-week basis, getting updates from the people at the top of Super League and the RFL,” explained the 27-year-old. “Across the board, I think players are going to have to take a pay cut, which is what needs to be done to keep the game alive over here.”

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