Manchester Evening News

Not all will come out of this covered in glory...


WE are going to learn a lot about many people in the public eye during the coming months and the reputation­s of some of these people will be in tatters.

We all know that some football players are very generous to various organisati­ons but is it too much to ask the top flight players to take a cut in wages while the season is in lockdown?

In truth the players are not fulfilling their contracts as they are not plying their trade and have no right to demand full pay.

There are many people who work in the background at football clubs who are currently struggling to make ends meet and if I was a player refusing to take a pay cut I would find it hard to look them in the eye if and when we return to normality.

As a United fan I am proud that the team, on their own initiative, have donated 30 per cent of their wages to Manchester hospitals and charities.

Then we have billionair­e business people who are furloughin­g their employees, which means the taxpayer is paying 80 per cent of their wages.

It is obvious these businessme­n have no shame and when we come out of this nightmare they should face consequenc­es, such as having titles stripped away.

That will shame them in a way only they will know.

Jack Haynes, Swinton

Please think of others

THE police need to allow the public to exercise and get some muchneeded fresh air and sun their backs.

The vast majority of all ages are acting responsibl­y and maintainin­g social-distancing of at least two metres, as we have to think of the whole wellbeing of humans including their mental health.

Even Florence Nightingal­e realised the importance of fresh air and daily exercise for those who can; to maintain and improve people’s general good health.

So let’s hope common sense prevails and not over zealous policing.

The worse form of any management is to manage to the lowest common denominato­r; in other words the 1 per cent, or less, of ‘social idiots’ who don’t seem to understand the seriousnes­s of the coronaviru­s.

Or are they deluded into thinking they are invincible?

I beg these people of all ages, please don’t spoil it for the 99pc who do get it, and continue to take a short walk when they can, in the few open spaces still available, enjoying the spring sunshine and a breath of fresh air while remaining totally responsibl­e and taking this virus very seriously indeed.

Let’s hope individual and collective responsibi­lity and common sense prevail.

Simon Icke, via email

Confused messages

I WATCHED Matt Hancock recently on the television and he was saying that everybody in the hospitals in the front line had all their protective equipment.

I thought that’s good and that he was coming over quite well. maybe some of these Tories are not too bad after all.

However next came on a consultant doctor from St George’s

Hospital, London, and she said that it wasn’t true and that they hadn’t had anything.

Next came on Jeremy Hunt, ex-health secretary, and he also said that it wasn’t true and nothing had been supplied.

Matt Hancock went off ill. Now he is back.

He is making statements of targets, not facts.

Is this to conceal the fact that we are well behind other countries in our fight against the virus?

No wonder there is confusion. D.H., Middleton

Why should I risk illness?

YET another person who thinks it’s OK for workers to risk contagion because some people are too lazy to recycle and use the bins that are provided by the council (Viewpoints, April 3).

As a worker at a recycling centre, members of the public never cease to amaze me.

Barry Lomas, Worsley

Lottery could give a hand

AS this crisis develops I have been left thinking where are the T V charities we all give to throughout the year?

Why isn’t the National Lottery being vocal for example? Funding the food banks for a month that would be something!

It surely is something that should be put out there for discussion. Lesley Buckley, Cheadle Hulme

 ??  ?? This colourful show of support for the NHS was taken by Colin Morrison showing balloons in this street in Whitefield instead of rainbow pictures. If you have a stunning picture, then we’d love to see it. Send your photos to us at viewpoints@mennews., marking them Picture of the Day
This colourful show of support for the NHS was taken by Colin Morrison showing balloons in this street in Whitefield instead of rainbow pictures. If you have a stunning picture, then we’d love to see it. Send your photos to us at viewpoints@mennews., marking them Picture of the Day

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