Manchester Evening News

‘No evidence’ of chemical spill in canal after blaze

- By PAUL BRITTON @PaulBritto­nMEN For more informatio­n, go to www. fraud-and-security

The environmen­t Agency has said there’s no evidence to suggest a large amount of chemicals seeped into a canal after a huge blaze at an industrial estate.

More than 50 firefighte­rs tackled the raging blaze at the Adamson Industrial estate on Croft Road in hyde on Saturday night.

A number of business units were destroyed as the flames reached three separate brick buildings at the site.

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service said a large amount of chemicals were stored within the estate, which is next to a stretch of the Peak Forest Canal.

The environmen­t Agency was called to assist and advised the fire service over pollution control measures.

One chemical believed to have been used on site was sulphuric acid.

But the environmen­t Agency said investigat­ions found nothing to suggest the canal has been badly polluted.

A spokesman said Ph levels in the water were normal and there are no signs of impact on wildlife.

In a statement, the environmen­t Agency said: “We have been assisting Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service in their response to a large fire on Adamson industrial estate in hyde, which occurred Saturday night.

“Due to its close proximity to a canal, the environmen­t Agency advised the fire service on pollution control measures to limit the impacts of any potential risks to the local environmen­t.

“This included the use of an environmen­tal protection unit.

“We would like to thank Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service for their fantastic work to check the potential seepage of chemicals into the adjacent canal, these investigat­ions concluded there is no evidence to suggest large amounts of chemicals have entered the canal.

“Ph levels of the canal are normal and there are no signs of damage to wildlife.

“We worked closely with the fire service during this incident and adhered to current advice from the government regarding Covid19.”

The fire service meanwhile has now left the scene.

A specialist fire investigat­or was due to return to the site yesterday in a bid to determine a cause.

We ARe in the middle of a pandemic which has changed our day to day lives beyond recognitio­n.

In most cases this has brought out the best in people as we clap our NhS heroes together from the doorstep and look out for one another.

Sadly, it has also brought out the worst in others evidenced by the rising number of scams trying to cash in on the COVID-19 crisis.

One high street bank standing firm against the fraudsters, however, is NatWest as they highlight what to watch out for and how to stay safe.

The bank is providing communitie­s with advice and support about the latest scams to help people recognise them and protect themselves.

Janat hulston, managing director of personal banking Midlands, east, South West and Wales for NatWest said: “We know scammers are using this current period of uncertaint­y as an opportunit­y to try and take advantage of the general public and their worries.

“We’ve seen an increase in criminals exploiting the coronaviru­s and using this as part of their scam tactics.”

The banking expert goes on to give some top tips to stay safe with her main advice being to ‘stay alert to any suspicious behaviour’.

here are five scams to look out for according to NatWest:


Of course we are all waiting for news of a medical solution to the pandemic but don’t be fooled by bogus messages about a cure.

These emails pull at the heart strings and claim there’s a cure that’s been covered up by various government­s.

Advisers have seen a number of variations of this scam but it’s likely it will ask you to click a link to receive more informatio­n about the cure.

Do not click on this link as it’ll take you to a webpage that captures your bank login informatio­n.


Sometimes they will try to get people to trust them by impersonat­ing valid sources of informatio­n.

Scammers are sending out emails that look like they come from trusted organisati­ons, such as the World health Organisati­on (WhO).

An attachment in the email claims to provide safety measures to combat coronaviru­s but opening it actually infects your device with malware.

This will then monitor your online activity and capture vital informatio­n they can use.


Money is going to be tight for many of us with paycuts and furlough rife in the workforce.

however, don’t let that blindside you when it comes to taking care online.

Criminals are currently bombarding mailboxes with emails saying you’re entitled to a tax refund due to coronaviru­s – but it’s a trick.

hMRC will never contact you by email to discuss tax refunds, so please don’t click or respond.

Instead report emails like this to


Janat Hulston

If there’s one piece of advice that still rings true it’s this - if something looks too good to be true, it usually is.

With that in mind watch out for emails, ads, posts, texts or phone calls advertisin­g anything to do with coronaviru­s. Whether that’s facemasks being given away, vaccines or access to a testing kit, it could be a scam and get you into a difficult position.

Some claim to be from the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or WhO and request Bitcoin payments.

You’ll be told that you’re donating towards a cure or paying for essential coronaviru­s informatio­n.

These approaches are very likely to be a scammer trying to get their hands on your money or personal details.


There has been a huge increase in criminals trying to lure people into becoming money mules through ‘get rich quick’ job offers during these uncertain times.

Again if a job ad looks too good to be true then proceed with caution.

The personal consequenc­es of allowing criminals to pay money through your account can be lifechangi­ng.

Always reject any offers of cash to let someone else use your bank account as it’s simply not worth it.

For further informatio­n from NatWest on how you can protect yourself, personal customers can click here and business customers click here.

 ??  ?? Kym Marsh with boyfriend Scott Ratcliff
Kym Marsh with boyfriend Scott Ratcliff
 ??  ?? The blaze in Hyde started on Saturday night
The blaze in Hyde started on Saturday night
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