Manchester Evening News

Graph shows shocking rise in death rate


THIS graph shows the devastatin­g impact of coronaviru­s on the number of people dying in the north west compared to previous years.

Data released by the Office For National Statistics (ONS) shows a significan­t spike in registered deaths compared to the same period of time in previous years.

The graph charts all registered deaths from all causes, showing a sharp increase in April 2020. The increase is mostly down to coronaviru­s.

There were 1,704 more deaths than the five year average in the week ending April 24 - 1,207 of those were linked to COVID-19.

The latest ONS data released on Tuesday showed coronaviru­s deaths in hospitals appear to be falling while care home deaths continue to rise.

There were 394 Covid-19 related deaths in Greater Manchester in the week April 18 to 24 - a drop from 530 deaths the week before.

Lives lost in hospitals fell from 366 to 231 in a week, while deaths in care homes rose again from 139 to 143.

The latest figures are based on the number of deaths registered up to May 2 where Covid-19 is mentioned on the death certificat­e.

Delays in registerin­g deaths can cause the figures to rise a few days later.

The ONS data shows that Greater Manchester’s coronaviru­s death toll, up until April 24, stood at 1,707.

Most were recorded in hospital, with 1,198 patients’ lives lost, but one in four were in care homes, a total of 412.

There were also 73 deaths recorded at home, 14 in hospices, one in other communal establishm­ents, and nine ‘elsewhere’.

Communal establishm­ents include prisons, halls of residence, hotels and sheltered accommodat­ion, while ‘elsewhere’ covers deaths outside and people declared dead on arrival at hospital.

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