Manchester Evening News

Passengers cover faces


port industry on a new safety framework for travel. We now need the government to work urgently with us to agree how we operate in the future.

“This has to be a top priority so that people can be confident about flying, and to get tourism and travel going again. At MAG, we’ve taken expert medical advice on how people can travel safely, and we’re pleased to be piloting these new measures at our airports for those passengers who do still need to travel. We expect to be able to agree a new framework by the end of May that will support a restart of the industry as soon as possible.”

HSOME people with coronaviru­s are to get home visits from GPs rather than be taken into hospital and doctors will also be able to prescribe them ‘end of life’ medication.

A temporary home visiting service has been introduced in Tameside in order to relieve pressure on hospital beds during the pandemic.

This service will provide medical support for people with Covid-19 from GPs in their own homes, when they would normally be treated in hospital.

A decision on whether to admit someone to hospital will be made by the digital health team. If the decision is made not to admit them, a direct referral will be made to the hospital home visiting service that will enable patients to receive ‘prompt’ home visits, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

A report to the strategic commission­ing board states that the pandemic is currently placing ‘high levels of strain’ on health and social care services in Tameside and Glossop.

Director of commission­ing, Jessica Williams, said: “General practice is open, general practice will continue to manage patients as they would have done previously, it just might be in a different way.”

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