Manchester Evening News

The perfect place to start...


ABALCONY is, in many ways, the perfect place to have a go at gardening. Usually sheltered and not too big, a balcony has the potential to become a mini-urban oasis.

If you’re looking at a drab rectangle of paving slabs and struggling for inspiratio­n, think about the compact but eye-catching green spaces you might have spotted on a city break.

The Europeans, in particular, really know what they’re doing when it comes to maximising small urban gardens, and there’s no reason you can’t do the same with your balcony.

Like any garden, there are a few key points you need to consider before buying or growing any plants. You don’t have to spend a fortune either.

Our resident gardening expert, Kath Gavin, sustainabi­lity co-ordinator at Hulme Community Garden Centre, provides the essential pointers when sprucing up your balcony.

CONSIDER THE CONDITIONS Make sure you grow plants that are suited to the conditions that you have.

Pay attention to how much sun the balcony gets through the day and if it’s exposed to the wind, try to create more shelter e.g. fix some glass to the railings.

Make sure you have easy access to water as plants in pots need more than those in the ground, especially if under cover.


One of the important things with a balcony is to consider the vertical.

Grow plants that climb (or trail) to maximise the space that you have.

Use trellis, poles or netting to support plants such as tall peas and beans, climbing Nasturtium­s, Sweet Peas, Morning Glory and passion flowers.

Consider using shelving for several layers of plants, or group plants of different growth habits in the same pot e.g. strawberri­es with chives.


Herbs are really useful plants to grow on balconies.

You can grow herbs for the flowers, the attractive scent of the leaves and of course use them for cooking and medicinal purposes.

If you have a south-facing balcony, sun-loving Mediterran­ean herbs such as lavender, rosemary and thyme are ideal.

If your balcony is more shaded, mint, parsley, chives and lemon balm would be more suitable.


There are plenty of vegetables you can grow in pots like peas, broad and French beans.

If you get a big enough pot (minimum 20 litres) you could have a go at growing a courgette.

Salad leaves are ideal for pots and troughs, especially those that can be harvested more than once by just taking the outer leaves.

Tomatoes, chillies and peppers will grow in pots provided it’s a sheltered spot.

Spinach, beetroot, spring onions and carrots work well too.


With a bit of imaginatio­n, there’s no need to spend money on fancy pots.

The big metal cans used by take-aways for cooking oil or the catering tubs used to hold ghee are ideal for re-purposing – provided that plenty of drainage holes are drilled in the bottom.

You can even plant up some old wooden drawers or C.D. racks.


You can bring some cheer to your balcony all for the price of a packet of seeds.

Things like Love in a Mist or Pot Marigolds are really easy to grow from seed.

Window boxes can be planted up with widely available bedding plants such as Violas for colour through the seasons.


It’s important to remember the safety aspect when planting on your balcony.

Make sure there’s nothing that can fall or be blown off, that any planters attached to railings are well secured, and also consider the weight of planters.

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