Manchester Evening News

Church trashed by thieves who even stole the Bible



HEARTLESS thieves broke into a family-run church and trashed it.

The thieves took almost everything from Cadishead Community Church, from expensive music equipment and guitars to their store of toilet rolls, says the family who runs it.

They even made off with a Bible and sweets meant for children’s groups at the church.

Pastor John O’Connor and his wife Yvonne, who live in Irlam, have been running the church for 15 years.

They have been left heartbroke­n as their ‘pride and joy’ was invaded and damaged by the thugs.

Their nephew, comedian Jason Manford, has also hit out at the ‘scum’ that broke in, saying that stealing bibles was a ‘new low.’

Mr O’Connor went to check on the church on Friday and arrived to find a window had been smashed and thieves had turned the place over, he said.

They believe thieves broke in some time last week as the church is currently closed because of the lockdown, and they have been visiting the building in Liverpool Road less than usual.

The couple’s daughter, Lyndsey Holt, said: “We’re all vulnerable anyway at the moment and they have taken it to a whole new level. They have put even more stress on a charity that relies on donations.

“Everything that goes in is invested back into the community with events and charity fundraiser­s that they do. They do so much and then someone thinks ‘I’ll go and steal from a church.’

“They had closed the church straight away with lockdown because they have vulnerable people who attend.

“My dad had been to check on the church and saw that the side window had been smashed.

“They have just trashed the place, probably looking for money but no funds are kept at the church.

“They have gone through my dad’s office, every drawer. Just turned everything over.

“They even stole a Bible, what on Earth? I’m sure they didn’t pinch it to read it, but maybe they will get to the commandmen­ts and learn something.”

Mrs Holt says her parents are still uncovering the full extent of what has been taken: “They have taken three guitars, they went through the cleaning cupboard and took the toilet rolls. They took the sugar from the kitchen. Everything that they could fit out of the window, they have taken.”

The pastor and his wife have been left devastated, along with their congregati­on. But the community is pulling together to support the couple, said their daughter.

“Everyone at the church is quite upset about it at the moment.”

Nephew Jason Manford has urged people to report any informatio­n to the police on 101, tweeting: “If anyone is offered any PA equipment or instrument­s, please report to 101.”

I’m sure they didn’t pinch it to read it, but maybe they will get to the commandmen­ts and learn something

Lyndsey Holt

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 ??  ?? Thieves smashed the window of the church
Thieves smashed the window of the church

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