Manchester Evening News

Recovered patients in plasma trials


BLOOD plasma donated from people who have recovered from coronaviru­s could help other patients beat the illnesss.

Researcher­s are investigat­ing whether transfusio­ns of blood plasma could speed up a patient’s recovery from Covid-19 and increase their chances of survival.

NHS Blood and Transplant is leading the major new research programme in Manchester on behalf of the government.

Researcher­s believe that recovered patients’ plasma may contain antibodies that their immune systems have produced while fighting the virus. Around 50 people have already donated plasma with hospitals around Manchester now starting to receive donations for transfusio­n.

Medics are now transfusin­g donated plasma to patients whose immune systems are struggling to develop their own antibodies.

Scientists say there is already some evidence of patients benefiting from the use of convalesce­nt plasma, but a ‘robust’ trial must be carried out before it can be rolled out across the NHS.

Meanwhile, blood donor services are increasing their capacity to collect plasma should it be proven to help Covid patients. Manchester Plymouth Grove Blood Donor Centre is already taking convalesce­nt plasma donations while all 23 of NHS Blood and Transplant donor centres, including Manchester Norfolk House, will soon be doing the same.

If people have a confirmed positive test result, can travel to the donor centre and are willing to donate, they can also provide details through a form on the NHSBT website.

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