Manchester Evening News

Shop caught with 6,000 fake fags


A SHOP could have its licence revoked after more than 6,000 counterfei­t cigarettes were found on the premises.

The owners of European Mini Market, on Stockport Road, Levenshulm­e, will go before a licensing hearing with Manchester councillor­s next week.

Under its current licence the shop can sell alcohol from 8am until midnight Monday to Sunday.

But officers want the licence reviewed as they say the discovery of the cigarettes and tobacco ‘shows complete disdain’ for licensing regulation­s and the safety of those who visit.

While all cigarettes are harmful, fake ones will often contain poor quality ingredient­s that can actually be more damaging to a person’s health. Counterfei­ts also tend not to carry health warnings on the packet, as was found by trading standards officers during a visit to European Mini Market on December 4 last year.

A sniffer dog found tobacco in non-standardis­ed packaging concealed out of sight underneath the counter, and 199 cigarettes were seized altogether.

The visit was ordered after trading standards received a complaint alleging that illicit tobacco was being sold on the premises.

A report to Manchester council’s licensing sub committee says: “Samples of the tobacco were sent to the relevant trade mark representa­tives and the Richmond tobacco was confirmed as being counterfei­t.

“The other brand did not carry any health warnings.”

Following the visit, the shop’s owner Ali Azadin was sent several letters inviting him for an interview.

But it took until May for the council to receive a response, and it came after a second enforcemen­t visit from trading standards.

A total of 5,944 cigarettes and tobacco pouches suspected as being counterfei­t were found hidden around the shop on April 28.

“Investigat­ions are ongoing in relation to this seizure,” says the council report.

“This continuing illegal activity shows complete disdain for the licensing objectives but most importantl­y the public safety of the residents of Manchester.

“We would like to make our position clear in support of the applicatio­n lodged by licensing out of hours that the premises has its licence revoked.”

The licensing hearing will take place on Monday, June 22.

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