Manchester Evening News

‘I’m completely empty without her. I have never loved anyone as much as I loved Alana...’

After losing her young daughter and mother in a devastatin­g arson attack, Saima Mumtaz tells Neal Keeling why she won’t give up the fight for justice


SAIMA Mumtaz was in Wythenshaw­e Hospital being treated for a collapsed lung and burns to her face and body when a nurse gently broke the news that her mother was dead.

Saima had spent three weeks in an induced coma and still had a long road to recovery ahead of her.

But she had survived the arson attack on the home of her parents in Bolton.

She had asked repeatedly about the fate of her mother and her daughter who were also injured in the fire.

Now her mother, Hameeda Begum, was gone, but what of her daughter, Alana?

On the same day, August 1, 2008, Saima was put in an ambulance to make a two-hour journey to Leicester where Alana was in a specialist burns unit.

“While I was in hospital my dad visited me and my husband and brother visited Alana,” Saima, 36, told the M.E.N, almost 12 years on.

“I kept asking about how Alana was and then, one day, they said ‘we are going to take you to Leicester.’

“I was put in an ambulance and was high on medication they were giving me as my burns were still hurting.

“It was a long journey. When I got there Alana’s dad stood in front of me and said ‘she’s gone.’

“I did not get the chance to say goodbye.

“I still don’t understand. I was in a more critical condition than Alana. She was showing signs of recovering.

“I constantly feel the crushing pain of losing her – it is on my chest. When I think she is no longer with me it is a stabbing pain.”

Police now believe the arson attack that led to that searing loss was a racist attack, intended to intimidate.

Instead it cost two lives, and broke many others.

A coroner ruled the victims had been unlawfully killed.

But still, years later, Saima, the survivor who suffered most, waits for justice.

She not only lost her daughter aged four, and mother, 71, due to an act of reckless evil, she needed nine skin grafts, in the years that followed, after suffering burns to her face and upper body.

The fire also ended the career of firefighte­r Steve Morris, who spent nine months in hospital with 52 per cent burns and had to have fingers amputated.

The tragic events date back to between 10 and 11pm on June 23, 2008, when someone set fire to a green wheelie bin at the front of Saima’s mother’s house in Bolton.

The property was in a block of six homes in Little Holme Walk, Great Lever.

The neighbours got on well , with Hameeda Begum regularly sharing the generous amounts of food she cooked with the street.

But someone decided to deliberate­ly target the home Mrs Begum shared with her husband, retired bus driver, and jeweller, Mumtaz Chisty.

Also in the house that night were Saima and Alana. At the time, Saima had emigrated to Australia with her husband. The visit to Bolton was so Alana could spend time with her grandparen­ts before she started school.

As the family slept the fire spread to a second wheelie bin, and then a fridge also left outside the house. The propane in the fridge ignited and flames spread to the mains gas supply causing a leak.

Saima remains haunted by what happened next.

“I was awoken by my mum screaming my name. There was no lighting, and smoke everywhere. It was dark. I opened my bedroom door and asked my mum to listen to the sound of my voice and come towards me.

“She went in the wrong direction towards the stairs, where most of the fumes were and was flustered and panicking. She was screaming ‘I am going to die, I am going to die.’

“Alana was in the room with me and all I could think was ‘I have to save her.’ My mum had collapsed – I saw her go down with a scarf over her face – and I had to choose between going out to her and looking after my daughter.

“To this day I am carrying the guilt of shutting a door on my own mum. There was too much smoke and I couldn’t leave Alana,” Saima said.

“I used a blanket to stop the smoke coming in through the bottom of the door and covered Alana, who was still asleep.

“I remember hearing my dad shouting from outside ‘Saima call the ambulance.’ There was a landline in the bedroom and I got through to tell the operator my mum was down and we were trapped.”

An inquest was later told temperatur­es inside the house soared to 900C.

Mrs Begum suffered 90 per cent burns and died one-and-a-half hours later. Alana survived for four weeks.

Saima, 36, said: “Alana and I were inseparabl­e. In every photo you will see the passion and love and bond we had. She was the best thing that ever happened to me.

“I’m completely empty without her. Just one hug from Alana used to make me forget my worries. If I ever had an argument with her dad and she would see I was upset, she

would sense it, and jump into my lap and hug and kiss me.

“She was very smart and aware for her age. I’ve been robbed of all the first experience­s I was looking forward to as she grew up – like her first day at school.

“I have never loved anyone as much as I loved her.”

Saima is planning to write a book. “I want to tell of the last 12 years of my life and how the arson changed everything,” she said. “I want to reach out to others who have lost loved ones through tragic incidents.”

Saima’s marriage to her husband, Fahad Mian, was another casualty of the fire. The couple returned to Australia but the emotional strain of losing their daughter impacted on their relationsh­ip.

“My ex-husband was devastated. He could not handle it,” she said.

Saima now lives in Stoke-onTrent, and has a new partner.

“I decided after coming back to the UK that I could not live in Bolton – the memories were too painful.

“I work now as a carer in adult care and the job is a big help in diverting me and coping with what happened.”

But there’s another heartache she lives with.

“No one will ever replace Alana, but I thought maybe if I have other kids it would give me a way of focusing my love. Every child is precious,” Saima said.

“But I have not been able to conceive. I have asked to have IVF treatment on the NHS but because my new partner has three children from his previous marriage I do not qualify. We have looked into adoption and fostering too but with no success. It is unfair that I am not allowed a single treatment of IVF.”

After 12 years Saima is now determined to see those who took the lives of her daughter and mother face justice.

“I have reached a point where I have to be strong. I need to do something about it. I was in depression for many years, but I am over that,” Saima said.

“Thank God, I have not gone back into depression – it’s a dark place.

“We know there are witnesses out there to the arson – that is something I am clinging to.

“The police have to do everything they can to protect them and get them to say what happened.

“I will not lose hope. But why did they do it? Some might say it was a prank that got out of hand. But if they had any goodness of heart they would admit it, and pay their dues. “It is not just about my Alana and mum. If people are that cold and heartless they are capable of doing it again, and need stopping.” The double murder was the second time Saima’s family had been touched by tragedy. Originally the family lived on Bradford Road, Bolton. But after her brother, Anjad, aged six, was run over and killed on the road in 1988, they moved to the house in Great Lever.

An inquest into the two deaths in 2010 was told police had identified two suspects as well as evidence linking them to the blaze but that the Crown Prosecutio­n Service had ruled the evidence was insufficie­nt to support criminal charges.

A key piece of forensic evidence was fibres from a carpet which the family had thrown out and put in the wheelie bin.

Also in 2010, a man named as a suspect in the arson attack was jailed for telling key witnesses he would firebomb their house. Simon Buckley intimidate­d a

family after learning they had given statements to police about the fire which killed Alana and Mrs Begum. He had been arrested in connection with the arson attack, along with a 16-year-old boy.

Bolton Crown Court heard Buckley went to a family home and, on discoverin­g they had a panic alarm fitted, said: “You’re going to need a panic button because I’m Simon, I’m the one who did that fire and watch, I’m going to do the same thing to this house.”

Buckley also told a friend of the terrified family that he was going to get him shot and added he was going to ring his ‘boys’ to come round to firebomb the house.

Buckley, 24 at the time of the court hearing, and then of Tonge Moor Road, Bolton, admitted threatenin­g to take revenge against the witnesses at court but twice failed to attend subsequent hearings to be sentenced.

He was jailed for three years for the intimidati­on and four months for the bail offences when he appeared at court, with Judge Steven Everett, sentencing, saying witness intimidati­on offences ‘strike at the very root of our justice system.’

Two other people took part in the October 2008 offending against the intimidate­d witnesses – the 16-yearold boy, who pleaded guilty to affray and was sentenced to a nine-month

referral order, and a woman, who was given a suspended jail term after she admitted her part in the intimidati­on.

Buckley and the 16-year-old suspect were never charged in connection with the arson attack that claimed the lives of Mrs Begum, and Alana.

But Judge Everett said, at the intimidati­on sentencing: “This incident followed a police investigat­ion into what was undoubtedl­y a murder inquiry where two people died as a result of a house fire.

“It is clear that Simon Buckley was investigat­ed and the suspicion fell upon him and another.”

Martin Bottomley head of GMP’s Cold Case Unit, said: “Intelligen­ce which was acquired after the fire makes us believe this was a racist attack. This crime has left a family devastated. I am appealing to the conscience­s of those that know the truth to do the right thing and contact us. It is 12 years on, but it is never too late.”

He confirmed that GMP have two prime suspects for the arson attack and that a reward of £50,000 is on offer for informatio­n leading to the conviction of those responsibl­e.

Anyone with informatio­n can call GMP on 0161 856 5978 or Crimestopp­ers, anonymousl­y, on 0800 555 111.

Alana and I were inseparabl­e. In every photo you will see the passion and love and bond we had

Saima Mumtaz

 ??  ?? The family’s home after the horrific blaze
The family’s home after the horrific blaze
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 ??  ?? Saima Mumtaz and her daughter Alana were ‘inseparabl­e’
Saima Mumtaz and her daughter Alana were ‘inseparabl­e’
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