Manchester Evening News

Trump will change America... just not in the way he intended LAURA HARDING

Ex-Daily Show host Jon Stewart is back in the spotlight to pick apart the problem with US politics, says

- ■ Irresistib­le is available to rent at home from Sky Store, Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV & iTunes, Google Play and other digital retailers.

JON STEWART has been out of the spotlight for a little while. The comedian, who hosted The Daily Show for 16 years until 2015, has gone quiet ever since he left the satirical programme and was replaced by Trevor Noah.

Now he is back with a political satire he has written and directed, about a local election that gets thrust into the national spotlight.

“It’s kind of odd,” he says frankly from the attic of his house, where the 57-year-old is seated in front of his now-grown up children’s old chalkboard, covered in their doodles.

“I was saying to my friend that I’ve made a light-hearted political romp in a time of great tragedy, and he said it’s sort of like showing up at a plane crash with a chocolate bar.

“You’ve kind of walked in and you’re like ‘hey, anyone want some chocolate?’ They are like ‘Yeah, not really what we need right now?”’

Romp or not, Jon’s film addresses what he sees as a broken system, and comes out right at a time when people are marching on the streets of cities all around the US in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, demanding these systems change.

“I think having been an observer and commentato­r of it for 16 years, doing it kind of topically, I spent so much time looking at it through the tube, you get a very myopic view.

“I began to feel like this is all just very cyclical and very redundant, the intensity of it just keeps growing and it was like an eddy. I felt like we couldn’t escape its gravitatio­nal pull of that eddy.

“So I wanted to think about it like that was the weather, but what is the climate?

And stepping away and widening his view has reassured him that the system can be fixed.

“It’s absolutely capable of change and I think what you’re seeing is it can be changed through incrementa­l reform or cataclysmi­c upheaval.

“I think sometimes when you prevent incrementa­l reform, as John Kennedy once said, if you make non-violent reform impossible you make violent revolution inevitable.”

In fact Jon believes the current occupant of the White House might actually be instrument­al in bringing about that change.

“What you’re seeing from people, what they are saying is this is not tenable, the path we are on is not tenable, and we have to address that in a meaningful, non-Twitter time, reaction. It’s a response that is going to take will and stamina and attention and I am hopeful because as Donald Trump said, ‘I’m going to make America great again,’ I just think he doesn’t realise it will not be in the way that he intended.

“I think what you are going to see is a grassroots dissatisfa­ction with the corruption and that is going to bring us hopefully to a better result.”

It was Jon’s insight and expertise after his long history observing the

I was saying to my friend that I’ve made a light-hearted political romp in a time of great tragedy, and he said it’s sort of like showing up at a plane crash with a chocolate bar...

political structures that made him uniquely placed to write a film about its failings, according to one of the film’s stars, Rose Byrne.

“I think you need someone like Jon Stewart,” the actress says, “who is a singular voice.

“His understand­ing of it is so sophistica­ted and he can explain it to a layman like me, or he can talk to a pundit like a Bill O’Reilly (the right wing former Fox News commentato­r) and the legendary arguments they would have when they both had their shows, so he really is an anomaly like that.”

To prepare for her role as a Republican strategist, embroiled in a feud with a Democratic strategist played by Steve Carell, Jon pointed Rose in the direction of The War Room, the famous documentar­y by D.A. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus about the 1992 Clinton campaign for president.

She explains: “There is the great character of James Carville, who was the head of his campaign, and then Mary Matalin who was the Republican strategist (and went on to marry Carville) and they have a relationsh­ip in real life but they were on different sides of the political divide.

“So that was a great source of inspiratio­n, the sort of sparring chemistry they had and deeply opposing ideas but the sexiness between them and that was one of the relationsh­ips he was inspired by.” Looking back to campaigns of the past might be necessary when current politics and the US news networks that cover it appear beyond satire.

“You can’t satirise it,” Rose asserts. “It’s already satirical enough when you watch it, it’s like so larger than life.

“The news has become this circus of informatio­n, so how do you satirise something that is already making fun of itself?”

 ??  ?? Steve Carell and Rose Byrne are strategist­s on opposing sides of the political divide in Irresistib­le
Steve Carell and Rose Byrne are strategist­s on opposing sides of the political divide in Irresistib­le
 ??  ?? Jon Stewart has stepped behind the camera, but he’s still pointing out the flaws in the political system
Jon thinks Trump’s leadership could inspire positive change on issues like racial justice
Jon Stewart has stepped behind the camera, but he’s still pointing out the flaws in the political system Jon thinks Trump’s leadership could inspire positive change on issues like racial justice
 ??  ??

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