Manchester Evening News

Thug’s glassing victim ‘feared he’d never see his kids again’


A DRUNK thug glassed a young dad in the toilets at a pub, leaving him scared he’d ‘never see his children again.’

John Stephens, 25, approached the 19-year-old and his pals Cheers Bar in Prestwich one night last summer.

He was friendly at first, but the atmosphere changed after Stephens behaved inappropri­ately towards one of the men’s partners.

The victim and Stephens got into an argument, but things seemed to settle, Minshull Street Crown Court heard.

About 15 minutes later, the victim went to the toilets before Stephens entered. After around a minute Stephens left, walked to the bar, picked up an empty glass and returned to the toilets. He then glassed the man, who was left ‘bleeding heavily’ and was knocked unconsciou­s.

Stephens, of Bradshaw Avenue, Whitefield, pleaded guilty to section 20 unlawful wounding at an earlier hearing. He has now been jailed for a year.

Earlier, prosecutor Simone Flynn told the court about the attack on June 21 last year. The 19-year-old victim was out with friends, as was Stephens.

Ms Flynn said: “He assaulted the victim as he turned around, he struck him to the left side of the head causing the glass to shatter. Immediatel­y the defendant rushed out of the male toilets. The police had already been called due to reports of a disturbanc­e.

“Outside the pub, the male was bleeding heavily and losing consciousn­ess, so it was necessary for the emergency services to be called.”

Stephens was arrested and was said to have been ‘clearly intoxicate­d,’ salivating and slurring his words.

The man received a superficia­l graze to his head and a deep laceration above his left ear, which extended through to the cartilage.

In a victim impact statement, he said he would be left with permanent scars.

“When I was on the floor I knew I was bleeding and about to pass out, all I could think was I would never see my children again,” he said.

Stephens has 10 previous conviction­s for 11 offences, including criminal damage; failure to comply with court orders; and the production of cannabis.

Defence lawyer Joe Rawlings said his client had no history of violence on his criminal record and that he had suffered a family tragedy in recent years.

Sentencing Stephens, Judge Sophie McKone said: “Your drunken, loutish behaviour has left him with scarring.”

FAMILY and friends of a 28-year-old youth volunteer have paid tribute to her following her sudden death.

Megan Mason, who volunteere­d at a number of places in Bolton, including St Brendans Nursery, died in her sleep at home in Harwood, on June 25.

Cheryl and Chris McIver, Megan’s mum and dad, led the tributes to her.

Cheryl said: “She was the most beautiful person you could have ever met.

“She used to light up the room with her smile.”

Megan was not believed to have any underlying health conditions and the cause of her death is currently unknown.

 ??  ?? John Stephens has been jailed for a year after glassing a 19-year-old man following a row in a pub
John Stephens has been jailed for a year after glassing a 19-year-old man following a row in a pub

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