Manchester Evening News

Thug pushes boys off bikes from car



DASHCAM footage has captured the moment a 15-year-old boy was violently pushed off his bike by a man in a passing car.

The schoolboy and his friend have been left ‘shaken up’ by the incident, which happened in Rivington near Bolton at around 8pm on Tuesday.

The pair were cycling along Sheep House Lane when a speeding car approached from behind.

As it pulled up alongside them, a man leant out the passenger window and pushed one of the boys off his bike before doing the same to the other.

The pair were cared for by an off-duty doctor who was cycling by at the time until one of their mothers arrived. They sustained injuries including grazed elbows, grazed shins and a sprained ankle.

One of the teenagers’ mothers, who did not wish to be named, said she believes the boys could have been killed in the attack.

The 50-year-old said: “I feel very sad the way society is going. I feel shocked, disgusted, all the emotions went through my head last night. It’s horrible to think that you go for a nice day out and they were so happy. I’ve not slept much thinking about it; the consequenc­es could have been so much worse. It could have been fatal.

“I was panicking as I was driving; I thought the worst. I thought he had been hit by a car but found out he had been pushed purposely.

“They had been out and had a lovely time and they were nearly home.

“It’s a shame because they are just nice, quiet lads who have been brought up properly. They could have killed them. I just hope that they get justice prevailed.”

A spokesman for Lancashire Police confirmed officers are investigat­ing the incident. No arrests have yet been made.

A spokesman for the force said: “We had a third-party report at about 9pm last night from a witness who had seen a vehicle drive up to two cyclists and push them off their bikes before driving off.”

Anyone who has any informatio­n can call police on 101 quoting log number 1499 of August 18.

 ??  ?? One of the boys is pushed from his bike
One of the boys is pushed from his bike

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