Manchester Evening News

Jealous brute in threat to ‘burn’ girlfriend when she dumped him



A JEALOUS boyfriend launched a ‘cruel and belittling’ attack on his ex after she told him their relationsh­ip was over, a court heard.

Jordan Sayers, 30, from Prestwich, assaulted the woman with a broken chair leg and threatened to ‘burn’ her during an incident at her home.

In March, she told Sayers their relationsh­ip was over after he became ‘controllin­g and jealous,’ and accused her of flirting with other men.

On March 8, she went to a pub with friends when she received a text from Sayers, saying he was outside in his van, and that he wanted to give her some money he owed her.

When she got in the van, Sayers told her he loved her and tried to kiss her, Minshull Street Crown Court heard.

She resisted and in the process he butted her, but prosecutor­s accepted this may have been an accident.

She began to scream, and her friends were alerted. Sayers drove off after she got out, and reversed into her car, causing minor damage.

In the early hours, Sayers followed her home and she let him in, but he became ‘aggressive and violent,’ prosecutor Brian Williams said.

He slapped her, hit her head against a wall and struck her with a broken chair leg. Sayers held a lighter to her face and threatened to ‘burn’ her. She fled after he appeared to calm down.

Police later found him at a nearby shop with a lump on his head, with Sayers complainin­g he had been attacked by a number of men. Prosecutor­s said they may have meted out ‘summary justice’ to Sayers. In interview, he claimed that his ex had caused the injuries to herself so he would be assaulted. He has been remanded in custody since and pleaded guilty to assault occasionin­g actual bodily harm and criminal damage. Defending, Dan Gaskell said Sayers recognises he ‘needs to change.’

Sentencing, Judge John Edwards told Sayers: “This behaviour towards her was deeply, deeply unpleasant.

“Any assault on a partner is particular­ly serious, because it represents a violation of the trust and security in what should be a loving and caring relationsh­ip. Your behaviour towards her was cruel and belittling.”

The judge said a custodial sentence was warranted, but noted Sayers had already served the equivalent of a 10-month sentence. He said a more ‘constructi­ve’ sentence would be to allow Sayers to work with probation to try to prevent any further offending.

Sayers, of Chapel Road, Prestwich, was sentenced to a 12-month community order, to include 33 rehabilita­tion activity requiremen­t days. A restrainin­g order was also imposed, to last indefinite­ly.

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