Manchester Evening News

Let’s vote for change


THE latest fiasco in education calls for a day of reckoning but unfortunat­ely it won’t be yet.

At my age, 76, I feel very sorry for the younger generation. It really brings into focus the undemocrat­ic nature of our system.

We have an unrepresen­tative voting system where politician­s are rewarded by a freebie to the House of Lords. Proportion­al representa­tion would force them to co-operate plus an elected second chamber. A gig economy and the harshest trade union laws in Europe doesn’t help ordinary folk.

The government sacks any one who dares to have an opposing view. They expelled a score of their own MPs for having a different view over Brexit – including the former chancellor Philip Hammond after a coup against Theresa May. Placemen and anti-Europeans were then rewarded with ministeria­l jobs. The hapless Gavin Williamson was known as ‘Pike’ by the Forces’ top brass before making a mess of his latest job.

The Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab didn’t know the importance of Dover to trade. Boris Johnson was seen as the worst Foreign Secretary ever. My Irish friends refer to him as England’s Trump! Then we are supposed to believe that he is a man of the people when he staffs two thirds of his cabinet with privately educated MPs.

The muddle over Covid-19 incompeten­ce verges on farcical.

God knows what disastrous outcome of Brexit awaits us.

Our present politician­s are ingenious in putting the mask of necessity on profitable fictions. Jacob Rees-Mogg’s hedge fund company has opened a branch in Dublin but he says it’s nothing to do with leaving Europe! Amazing how old Etonians stick together.

So we are left with an ignorant, self-appointed, suet-brained, hamfaced, mealy-mouthed ridden gang of natural clowns.

Come the next general election I sincerely hope that the young don’t forget. Just as in 1945, the time for a change is certainly required.

David Roberts, Horwich

 ??  ?? Gavin Williamson
Gavin Williamson

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