Manchester Evening News

The coronaviru­s carers

The number of people providing support jumped during lockdown


ALMOST half of people in the UK said they helped family, friends and neighbours with day to day tasks during lockdown.

With 48% saying they had provided support to someone outside of their household in April, that represents a big increase from similar figures showing 11% of people helping a sick, disabled, or elderly person not living with them in 2017/18.

A third (32%) of people said they were helping someone who they did not help before the pandemic, while another third (33%) were giving more help to people they helped previously.

Shopping was the most common activity that people undertook as part of their caring responsibi­lities (85%).

All kinds of people have found themselves newly supporting others - with women more likely than men to be doing so, and those aged 45 to 54 years most likely to report caring responsibi­lities.

Helen Walker, chief executive of Carers UK, said: “In a matter of months, millions of people – most in their 40s and 50s and holding down a job - have started caring unpaid for family members and friends who would otherwise manage ok on their own, but are now at risk of the virus.

“Providing a small amount of unpaid care from afar will have been manageable for some. But hundreds of thousands of people with far more intense caring roles are unable to rely on care services to help them, bringing nothing but stress and exhaustion.

“Those who have started caring during the pandemic are more likely to be managing work and childcare alongside their caring responsibi­lities - an incredibly demanding task, which, without support from employers or care services can be too much to manage. Already, we see 600 people every day giving up paid work to care, at a huge cost to the economy and personal finances.

“Unpaid carers have been hit especially hard by the pandemic. Many are at the point of break down, having been unable to access the care and support services they need. Their physical and mental health is in jeopardy and they desperatel­y need a break.

“The Government must recognise this immense pressure on carers and ensure their physical and mental health is protected and that they are given access to a break. The priority must be reinstatin­g care and support services as soon as possible. Carers deserve far more support for their contributi­on throughout this crisis.”

Carers and non-carers have both been more likely to report poor mental health during the pandemic, with carers slightly more likely to report issues.

In 2017/18, 21% of adults that provided some regular service or help for a sick, disabled or elderly person not living with them reported symptoms of poor mental health. During April this year, among those that provided help or support to others outside their home, this increased to 31%.

For people not providing help or support, the proportion reporting poor mental health also increased from 20% to 29%.

However, those providing help and support were much more likely to report feeling constantly under strain and losing sleep than those who were not - although the ONS said this may be for reasons after than caring.

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