Manchester Evening News

City are staying quiet until Leo sorts out Barca contract battle


LIONEL Messi has made it plain he wants a meeting with the Barcelona hierarchy to sort out his future, with City awaiting the outcome.

The Argentina star’s future hangs in the balance after his dramatic transfer request, and his resolve to see through his decision to quit the Nou Camp after 20 years will be tested in the coming days.

On the face of it, Barca are standing firm on their position - that there is a £630m release fee in the player’s contract, and they still hope the request was a shock tactic to try to force change at the Catalan club.

There are reports in Spain that they have turned down his request for a meeting, which would be a case of firmly batting the ball back into Messi’s court, if correct.

The forward has made threats before, but he has never handed in a transfer request, and the strong reports that he also spoke to City boss Pep Guardiola before doing so suggest this time is different.

The matter could yet end up in court, as Messi’s lawyers feel the clause in his contract allowing him to leave on a free transfer before June 10 should be extended due to the unique circumstan­ces of the pandemic lockdown.

Both sides are keen to avoid a court battle which could sully the reputation­s of both the player and the club - and a battle for the heart and minds of the Barcelona fan base is now underway.

Messi’s camp appears to have leaked the notion that he wants a face-to-face meeting with Barca’s top brass, but his intentions are unclear.

Given what has gone before, it is most likely that he wants to appeal to them not to stand in his way, after 20 years of loyal service, and to facilitate the move he wants by coming to a compromise deal with any buying club.

Barca will see the meeting as one last chance to change his mind, and former vice-president Emili Rousaud made it plain they do not feel all hope is lost.

He said: “I’m not completely sure that Messi is going to leave Barca. If Leo decides to go, there must be a negotiatio­n.”

City have studiously steered clear of getting involved in a situation which, for the moment, is strictly between Messi and Barcelona. They are waiting to see how Barca react, and the suggested meeting between club and player would be crucial.

If Messi makes it plain in any meeting that his mind is made up, Barca will have to bite the bullet and start thinking about what they could realistica­lly get for him. Their own economic situation - they have been hit hard by the financial effects of the lockdown and were said to be seeking an 800m euros bank loan and the desire to land City defender Eric Garcia, will also figure in their

City have studiously steered clear of getting involved in a situation which is between Messi and Barca Stuart Brennan

thinking. There have been dark whispers that they will not budge from their current position, even if it meant Messi having to stump up the £630m release fee himself, but that would be a PR disaster - and the idea that the player would be forced to stay for another year against his wishes would be bad for all concerned.

They have to agree to Messi’s request for a meeting for the same reasons, and they are sure to make one final bid to change his mind.

If that fails, the transfer machine will crank into action and they will start talking to City - and any other interested clubs - with a view to driving up the fee as high as possible.

At that point the Blues will hold the aces, as they are sure Messi wants a reunion with Guardiola and he sees City as the best bet to give him a glorious end to his European career.

But with Paris Saint-Germain, Juventus and probably Inter Milan all interested, Barca have plenty of leverage to drive up the price.

The next act in the drama will play out today, when Barcelona’s players are due back at the training ground for Covid-19 tests ahead of a return to training tomorrow.

There have been suggestion­s Messi will not show in a bid to force the matter, but that would be legally unwise as he would be in breach of contract, and would also hand the club a public relations advantage.

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 ??  ?? Lionel Messi sees moving to City as the best chance of winning the Champions League again
Lionel Messi sees moving to City as the best chance of winning the Champions League again
 ??  ?? Pep Guardiola would love to work with Lionel Messi again
Lionel Messi wants talks with Barcelona over the next few days
Pep Guardiola would love to work with Lionel Messi again Lionel Messi wants talks with Barcelona over the next few days

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