Manchester Evening News



QI want to plant a bamboo in a planter box as a screen between us and the neighbours. I’d like one about six to eight feet high.

AAnn Fitzgerald

Bamboo makes a very good screen, and planting in a container will help to keep it in check. I’d recommend Fargesia, the umbrella bamboo, which is a well-behaved ‘clumper’ that forms a dense upright habit. There are different varieties with attractive stems, such as the stripy ‘Pingwu’ or the reddish stemmed ‘Red Panda’. All are low-maintenanc­e – but do keep it well-watered as bamboos are thirsty creatures.

Producers of this weekend’s Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s interview with Oprah Winfrey are refusing to pull the tell-all chat, irrespecti­ve of Prince’s Philip’s condition.

TV bosses’ refusal, says one insider, has the potential to detonate a “diplomatic bomb” if they continue with plans to air the programme if the Duke of Edinburgh’s health worsens.

It is not known if Harry, 36, has made his own appeals to Winfrey or makers CBS to postpone its airing if, God forbid, his grandfathe­r’s condition were to decline. The digging in of LA TV bosses’ heels comes as the Prince, 99, was moved to a specialist heart hospital as he enters a third week under doctors’ care.

Covid running rampant in LA makes me wonder if the virus has not taken hold of CBS bosses, after all, it appears they have lost all sense of taste.

That said, it seems their sense of smell appears intact when it comes to sniffing out money. Shame on them.

 ??  ?? Fargesia
 ??  ?? Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey

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