Manchester Evening News

Becks full of praise for job old pal Ole is doing at Reds


DAVID Beckham has given a glowing endorsemen­t of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s management of United.

In a rare interview about his former club, the ex-midfielder has explained his admiration for his old team-mate and fellow 1999 Treble winner.

Solskjaer has come under fire at times at United and was criticised heavily after their FA Cup quarter-final defeat to Leicester at the weekend.

But Beckham has mirrored the stance of his Class of ‘92 contempora­ries Gary Neville and Paul Scholes in expressing support for the Norwegian.

“I’ve seen some of the criticism but I suppose when you are a manager of Man United when they’ve had the success over the years that they’ve had, there was always going to be a point where people get criticised, whether it’s the players, whether it’s the owners, whether it’s the manager,” Beckham said.

“Ole’s been in the game long enough to be able to take any kind of criticism.

“He’s very quiet, he gets on with his job, and I think he’s done an incredible job at United.

“The results are starting to show that.

“Hopefully it continues because the fans love Ole, we all love Ole and we all want him to do well.

“So when the criticism comes, he’s one person that can take it.”

Solskjaer has not yet signed a new contract at United, but is expected to gain the continued support of the club’s board if he achieves a top-four finish in the Premier League this season. He has also lead the Reds to the last eight of the Europa League.

 ??  ?? David Beckham and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer while players at United
David Beckham and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer while players at United

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