Manchester Evening News

Thug racially abused police after refusing to leave McDonald’s


AN ‘aggressive’ man hurled racist abuse at a police officer after refusing to leave McDonald’s.

Abdul Rehman Qureshi, 22, was acting erraticall­y outside the restaurant on Ashton Old Road in Openshaw when police were called to attend.

He was reported to be swinging his arms about and refusing to leave, Manchester magistrate­s court heard.

As he was arrested and placed in handcuffs he called one officer an “Asian p **** ”.

In a police interview he denied being racist and claimed he said: “You Asian pass me a brick.”

After being shown the body-worn footage which captured what he

actually said, he answered ‘no comment.’ Qureshi, of Elysian Street, Openshaw, pleaded guilty to racially aggravated harassment and was handed a 18-month community order by Manchester JPs.

In a tweet, the CPS said: “Abdul Qureshi racially abused @gmpolice officers when they attended McDonald’s in Manchester following reports of a male acting aggressive­ly.

“Sentenced to 18 months community order with 150 hours of unpaid work. The sentence was uplifted from 12 months to reflect the racist abuse.”

The court heard that officers were called to the McDonald’s on Lime Square on March 9 this year to reports of an ‘aggressive man.’

Officers located him nearby at Greggs and his behaviour was said to be ‘erratic.’ It was when he was being arrested that he racially abused the officer.

Qureshi was also ordered to do 12 days of rehabilita­tion activity requiremen­ts and pay £100 compensati­on to the officer as well as £175 court costs.

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McDonald’s in Openshaw

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