Manchester Evening News

‘Pathetic’ boyfriend torched partner’s pub after accusing her of seeing someone else



A ‘JEALOUS’ boyfriend set fire to his partner’s pub after accusing her of seeing another man.

Karl Banks, 38, had been in a relationsh­ip with Leanne Brownbridg­e for six months when he believed she was seeing someone else.

After he confronted her about it, an argument erupted before an enraged Banks set fire to the Earl of Balcarres pub, in Wigan, where she lived.

Ms Brownbridg­e was at hospital with her sick teenage daughter at the time, and returned home to discover what she described as ‘a scene from a horror film.’

All of her possession­s were destroyed in the blaze and she was left homeless.

At Bolton Crown Court yesterday, Banks was jailed for a total of three years and four months.

Prosecutor Jane Dagnall told the court that Ms Brownbridg­e had taken her 16-year-old daughter to hospital at about midday on February 2 this year.

She had fallen ill earlier that day, and Ms Brownbridg­e had asked Banks to collect her from school.

While they went to the hospital, Banks stayed at the pub to look after Ms Brownbridg­e’s two bulldogs.

He later took food to the pair before returning to the pub.

The court heard that the couple had exchanged messages over WhatsApp throughout the afternoon, but things ‘turned nasty’ after Banks started drinking Jagermeist­er.

At about 10.10pm, he began asking Ms Brownbridg­e about a man named ‘Jimbob.’ After an argument, Ms Brownbridg­e told Banks to get out of the pub.

The court heard a furious Banks then ‘trashed’ her bedroom and set fire to an object before fleeing the pub. At 11.45pm, Ms Brownbridg­e received a call from the police to say the pub was on fire.

She returned home to discover it taped off, but was allowed to collect her dogs from the bar area.

“The next day she returned and was hysterical to see what she described as a scene from a horror film,” Ms Dagnall said.

“She and her daughter had lost everything.”

The court heard that more than £16,000 worth of possession­s were destroyed in the fire, including jewellery, for which Ms Brownbridg­e was not insured.

Ms Dagnall said investigat­ors had determined the fire had started on a bed and the damage was restricted to the first floor accommodat­ion of the pub, which was closed at the time due to coronaviru­s restrictio­ns.

After leaving the pub, Banks slept overnight in a field before heading to his mother’s home and telling her to phone the police.

He was arrested at the address on the afternoon of February 3, and admitted to police that he had been involved in a fire.

He said the thought of her sleeping in the bed with someone else had led to him setting fire to it, Ms Dagnall told the court.

Banks, who has three previous conviction­s for seven offences, pleaded guilty to a charge of arson with recklessne­ss as to whether life was endangered at an earlier hearing.

Louis French, mitigating, said Banks ‘did not intend to cause such hardship’ for Ms Brownbridg­e.

“He is somebody who is ashamed at what he has done,” Mr French added “He meant the lady no harm.

“Clearly, drink did not help him form the proper judgement. He was desperatel­y in love with this lady. He, maybe wrongly, maybe rightly, thought that her love was elsewhere.”

Sentencing Banks, of Great Acre, Wigan, Judge Tina Landale said he had been ‘consumed by jealousy’ at the time. She added: “In a pathetic display of patriarcha­l behaviour, you decided to punish Ms Brownbridg­e.

“In a rage, you trashed her bedroom and sought revenge for what was only a perceived infidelity.

“She was left homeless and with only the clothes she was stood up in.”

Judge Landale imposed a restrainin­g order preventing Banks from contacting Ms Brownbridg­e and her daughter.

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 ??  ?? The charred interior of the Earl of Balcarres; below, police outside the pub after the blaze
The charred interior of the Earl of Balcarres; below, police outside the pub after the blaze

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