Manchester Evening News

Bride made £60k selling drugs to fund honeymoon


- By STEVE ROBSON @SteveRobso­n04

A BRIDE-TO-BE who sold drugs to fund her honeymoon made more than £60,000 but has nothing left to show for it, a court heard.

Terrie Renwick, 29, was planning to get married in September last year and turned to dealing crack cocaine and heroin to raise money.

But police were onto her and found Renwick trying to flush drugs down the toilet at her home in Warrington.

She was jailed for four years and prosecutor­s also pursued a Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) applicatio­n to try and claw back some of her ill-gotten gains.

A court heard that the total amount sought was £60,468.98.

However, prosecutor Frank Dillon said some of the money was as a result of ‘unexplaine­d bank transfers’ and added that the actual funds available to be confiscate­d was much less.

He told the court that cash seized at the scene and mobile phones amounted to £307.96.

Renwick was ordered to pay that amount of money back in the next three months or face another two weeks in prison.

She was on the final day of her licence period for a previous conviction for drug dealing when police caught her with 220 wraps of heroin and crack cocaine on July 16 last year.

Renwick flushed them down the toilet but a quick-thinking officer traced the drugs through the system and retrieved them from an external pipe. Officers also found £125 in her purse and two mobile phones which contained numbers of known class A drug addicts.

The court heard in September that the drugs seized were worth a total of £2,410, but Mr Dillon explained the figure amassed by Renwick through her criminalit­y was much higher.

Sarah Griffin, defending at the time, said: “This is an extremely sad situation.

“She was simply trying to raise funds for her honeymoon and resorted back to drug dealing in an easy way, in her mind, to raise such funds.”

Renwick admitted two counts of dealing class A drugs and possession of a tazer which was found in her kitchen cupboard during the raid.

Sentencing, Judge Louise Brandon said: “You’ve frankly admitted you saw this as an easy way to make money.

“You’ve not yourself used drugs since 2017 and so this was purely a commercial enterprise.”

This is an extremely sad situation. She was trying to raise funds for her honeymoon Sarah Griffin, defending

 ??  ?? Terrie Renwick, 29, has been jailed for four years
Terrie Renwick, 29, has been jailed for four years

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