Manchester Evening News

General Knowledge Quiz


1. Which US government department is represente­d by the initials CIA?

A Criminal Investigat­ive Agency B Central Internal Authority C Central Intelligen­ce Agency D Crime Initiative Associatio­n

2. Which ‘angry young man’ wrote the novels Lucky Jim and The Old Devils?

A Kingsley Amis

B John Wain

C John Braine

D Stan Barstow

3. Of which mountain system is Mount Gerlachovk­a the highest peak?

A The Alps

B The Carpathian­s

C The Pyrenees

D The Cairngorms

4. Which acute viral infection killed about 20 million people in an epidemic in 1918-19?

A Typhoid

B Influenza

C Hepatitis

D Rubella

5. Who was the last Saxon king of England?

A Edward the Martyr

B Harold II

C Edgar

D Alfred the Great

6. Kirsten Dunst played Peggy Blumquist in season two of which TV series which was a spinoff from a Coen Brothers movie?

A Fargo

B Unbroken

C True Detective

D True Grit

Kirsten Dunst See Question 6

7. What was Bruce Willis’s character in the TV series Moonlighti­ng called?

A David Addison

B Michael Fox

C Barry Frank

D Joey Ritchie

8. After which Roman general was the Fabian Society named?

A Fabia Majestica B Fabium Imperia C Fabius Maximus D Fabias Regalis

9. Who played Jim Phelps in TV’s Mission: Impossible?

A Richard Graves

B Robert Graves

C Peter Graves

D Marshall Graves 10. Which great English Metaphysic­al poet was appointed Dean of St Paul’s in 1621?

A Sir Walter Raleigh

B Ben Jonson

C Andrew Marvell

D John Donne

11. Which former viceroy of India was the great-grandson of Queen Victoria?

A Earl Mountbatte­n

B Earl Snowdon

C Earl Stansgate

D Earl Salisbury

12. Which meteorolog­ical instrument was invented by Evangelist­a Torricelli?

A Weather cock

B Mercury barometer

C Wind Sock

D Torricelli meter

13. What is the capital of Colombia?

A Papayan B Bogota C Manizales D Caracas

14. Which Liverpool rock band released an album entitled Mother Nature Calls?

A Cast

B Oasis

C Ocean Colour Scene

D Blur

15. Who sailed around the world in the Gipsy Moth IV?

A Frank Butcher

B Francis Doncaster

C Frank Rogers

D Francis Chichester

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