Manchester Evening News

Crash victim was ‘killed on mobility scooter by car racing brothers’



TWO brothers killed a man on his mobility scooter while racing each other through the streets, a jury has heard.

Michael Smith, 53, suffered ‘severe external and internal injuries’ after he was struck by a black Vauxhall Zafira in Poolstock Lane, Wigan.

Noormohamm­ed Yusuf, 31, of Park Lane, Abram, is on trial accused of causing

Mr Smith’s death by dangerous driving. He denies the charge.

His younger brother, Hanzah Yusuf, 21, of the same address, has previously admitted causing death by dangerous driving.

Yesterday, a jury at Manchester Crown Court heard the brothers had left a nearby mosque moments before the crash on the evening of February 28, 2019. The court was shown footage of the pair at the Masjid Tooba Islamic Centre in Clifton Street, along with their cousin.

Opening the case, prosecutor Rob Hall said after leaving the mosque shortly before 8.50pm, Noormohamm­ed climbed into a Volvo S40 while Hanzah got into the Zafira.

Jurors were told the tread on the Zafira’s front offside tyre breached the legal limit at the time. The two cars turned off Clifton Street on to Poolstock Lane and headed in the direction of Wigan town centre, Mr Hall explained.

He told the court: “At that point in time, it was dark and the prevailing weather conditions were rainy, so the road was wet.

“Their journey was to take them through a residentia­l area and therefore driving along that stretch of road required some caution.

“However, this defendant who was in the front vehicle, and Hanzah in the second, seemed to have other plans.

“Right from the moment they pulled on to Poolstock Lane, they raced away.”

CCTV footage played in court showed the two cars driving past the Tippings Arms pub at speeds of up to 53mph in a 30mph zone.

Jurors heard that, as the cars travelled along Poolstock Lane, they approached a bend in the road.

However, Hanzah then lost control of the Zafira, causing the vehicle to veer off the road and collide with Mr Smith, who was crossing the junction with Morton Avenue.

The impact left Mr Smith with ‘severe external and internal injuries,’ which resulted in his death.

After hitting Mr Smith, the court heard the car carried on travelling into a front garden where it smashed into a van and a house.

After witnessing the crash behind him, jurors heard Noormohamm­ed parked up and ran back to the scene.

He was later arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving and is alleged to have asked police: “Who? Me?”

Mr Hall said Noormohamm­ed admitted to officers that he had been driving the Volvo, but denied doing so dangerousl­y.

Addressing jurors, Mr Hall told them it was their role to decide whether the defendants were racing at the time of the crash.

He added: “The Crown’s case is that the two of them together, either by way of an agreement before or during the driving, are in effect racing.

“It is the racing, perhaps combined with the defect in the tyre, that caused Mr Smith’s death.”

 ?? ?? Noormohamm­ed Yusuf and Hanzah Yusuf
Noormohamm­ed Yusuf and Hanzah Yusuf
 ?? ?? Michael Smith died from ‘severe’ injuries
Michael Smith died from ‘severe’ injuries

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