Manchester Evening News

Rohan’s amazing story can be an inspiratio­n to all


LAST week marked World Mental Health Day and anyone who has read this column before will know I talk about the mental side of the game and the power of a growth mindset quite a lot.

It’s a big part of what we do at Sale Sharks and we feel it’s adding so much, both on and off the pitch. Although I am a rugby player, the aim of this column is to go deeper than just the game and to be honest and open about being a sportsmen in general to give a real insight into our lives.

On the surface it can be great playing in front of thousands of people weekly, however, this is 80 minutes of our week and I want to show fans there is so much more that goes on.

With that in mind, this week I wanted to share a story from one of my team-mates that’s had a real impact on me and I’m sure it will on others. Rohan Janse van Rensburg joined the club in the 2017-18 season, but until very recently we had no idea of what he’d been through and how that had made him the player and man he is...

BEN: So first of all Rohan, can you tell everyone what happened to you?

ROHAN: I had three events that really shook my life up. First of all I lost my mum to cancer when I was in my early 20s. She was my best mate and a huge pillar in my life so when she died, it was huge.

A couple of weeks later I injured my knee really badly. I did my cruciate ligament, my hamstring – everything went. Then very shortly after that, I was at home recovering when I was kidnapped from my house and held at gunpoint. I had to drive them away with all the stuff they had stolen.

The leader of the gang came to me, pointed a gun at my chest and said I had seen their faces and would be able to tell the police what they looked like. So he was going to have to kill me.

At that moment, I started praying and they ran away. Those events changed my life.

They caused me to become arrogant, cocky and think I’m better than other people. I had depression, insomnia, fear, even in happy moments I struggled to be truly happy.

I was trying to put a brave face on it so I tried to act as though I was strong and could handle it. Inside I was crumbling. It was fight or flight and I was in a flight mindset.

I started doing stupid stuff – I was drinking and doing stuff that I shouldn’t be doing. I was putting on weight and falling apart piece by piece. Fast forward a few years and the work we’ve been doing at the club on mindset has changed everything.

Ben: If you could talk to a young Rohan, watching him go through what you went through now, what would you say?

ROHAN: You know what Ben, it’s very hard to help someone in a situation like I was in. Those events all happened within a month-and-a-half and I don’t know if someone saying ‘keep your head up’ would have helped. That’s what I was saying to myself. I don’t think I ever accepted what had happened and you have to make peace with it. Only then can you start the process of getting better, particular­ly mentally.

To anyone going through a hard time, I would say to try and put action into something that you feel strongly about. You need to focus your energy on one thing and the moment you do that, all of a sudden, the other stuff will fall into place.

It took me four years really, because I never accepted it.

Ben: In those four years did you ever talk to anyone about what had happened?

ROHAN: No. I had breakdowns at home with my wife but that’s it. The general narrative around rugby players is that we’re really tough and we can handle anything. When the doors close and it’s just you in a room, all that goes out of the window.

It’s still raw and it’ll always be raw but I feel like now I have the tools to deal with it. I always felt like the world owed me something and that’s why I was eating and drinking too much – I thought it was acceptable.

Ben: There’s so much work that you have to do on yourself when you go through difficult times and challenges like this. What do you want people to take from your story?

ROHAN: Be courageous. We live in an age where opinions are everywhere and you can get lost in that, particular­ly as a sportspers­on. Everyone has opinions about you and when you’re courageous you can look past that and not mind what people say. I want people to start backing themselves and not care if a mate or someone on social media questions it. Surround yourself with the right people and back yourself.

I was focused on people’s opinions of me as a person and as a rugby player. It would genuinely keep me up at night.

But after working with the coaches at the club, everything changed. I realised that other people’s opinions don’t define me.

I WOULD like to say a massive thank you to Rohan for being so open. I hope his story can inspire people, and hope it’s given you some food for

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 ?? ?? Sale’s Rohan Janse van Rensburg was kidnapped at gunpoint weeks after losing his mum to cancer
Sale’s Rohan Janse van Rensburg was kidnapped at gunpoint weeks after losing his mum to cancer

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