Manchester Evening News

Alex was let down by mental health trust, say parents


- By NICK JACKSON @MENnewsdes­k

THE parents of a young man who killed himself are calling for lessons to be learned after a coroner found that gross failings by a mental health trust contribute­d to his death.

Alex Turner, 24, from Chorley, went missing from the Eagleton Ward of Salford Royal Hospital’s Meadowbroo­k Unit, on December 5, 2019. His body was found near Eccles station the next morning.

The Bolton inquest was told Alex had been diagnosed with an emotionall­y unstable personalit­y disorder shortly after being admitted to North Manchester General Hospital’s Safire unit on November 24 following multiple suicide attempts.

The warehouse worker had been a cannabis and cocaine user over a period of five years.

Alex had repeatedly told staff that he would kill himself, but assistant coroner Catherine Cundy heard that Alex was discharged without his family being told on November 28.

Within hours, Alex was admitted to the Eagleton Ward after council staff called an ambulance.

Greater Manchester Mental

Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH) admitted a series of failings.

During his time on Eagleton Ward, Alex reported suicidal thoughts and described hearing voices in his head. During an appointmen­t with a student nurse on December 5, Alex shouted that the devil was telling him to kill himself.

At around 8.30pm, Alex asked a member of nursing staff if he could leave the ward. The nurse – unaware of Alex’s suicidal ideations – allowed him to do so without an escort.

He was found dead the following morning.

Ms Cundy concluded: “His suicide was contribute­d to by neglect.”

Alex’s mother, Andrea Turner, said: “Our son couldn’t have been more vocal about being suicidal and needing help ... he still lost his life.

“As parents, we had no training in how to keep Alex safe. All we could do was trust that the profession­als knew what they were doing. We still can’t get our heads around how badly those same profession­als let him down.”

Alex’s father, Matthew, said: “He deserved a chance at life. He just needed GMMH to take him seriously and keep him safe.”

 ?? ?? Alex Turner
Alex Turner

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