Manchester Evening News

Love triangle murderer jailed for life



A DAD who stabbed a love rival to death with a pair of scissors during an early hours fight on an estate has been jailed for life.

William Doleman, 27, inflicted a ‘constellat­ion’ of injuries to Alan Murphy after challengin­g him to a fight on the Miner’s Estate in Moston.

The ‘savage’ attack was witnessed by Lisa Hough – the mother of Doleman’s young daughter – who was also jailed.

A judge said Hough – who was in a relationsh­ip with Mr Murphy – must have derived a ‘twisted pleasure’ from being the centre of both men’s attentions.

In an attempt to help Doleman cover his tracks, Hough went with him to Tesco to buy a new mobile phone and ‘posed’ as a couple with the pair holding hands in a scene captured on CCTV.

Doleman’s older brother, Grant Doleman, also tried to help the killer by misleading police at the beginning of their murder investigat­ion.

He too has been jailed after admitting perverting the course of justice.

Jailing Doleman for life at Manchester Crown Court, Judge Anthony Cross QC told the murderer: “You were angry, armed and looking for violence for a period of hours before the events.”

The court heard how on the night of February 18, 2020, Mr Murphy, 39, had seen Hough, 44, with a dog that belonged to Doleman.

The discovery was ‘not well received’ by Mr Murphy, who believed that she had met up with her ex. Mr Murphy then went with a friend to confront Hough at her home on Blandford Drive, where he found her with Doleman.

In the early hours, Doleman and Mr Murphy exchanged text messages.

In one, Doleman wrote: “I will punch your f ****** head in”.

Refusing to back down, Mr Murphy invited the aggressor to meet him.

Doleman took a friend, 26-year-old

Ademola Efunnuga, who was acquitted of murder and manslaught­er during a trial, with him. CCTV showed a meeting between Mr Murphy, armed with a claw hammer and Doleman, armed with a pair of scissors, on Whitstable Drive, in Moston.

Mr Storrie said Doleman ‘struck the first blow.’ Mr Murphy suffered 30 separate injures, including a wound between the eyes, stab wounds, a laceration that went through his ear and into his scalp and a stab wound to the small of his back which scored the bone.

But it was a wound to an artery that caused ‘rapid and massive’ blood loss that ultimately proved ‘unsurvivab­le,’ Mr Storrie said.

The prosecutor explained how Hough had followed Doleman to the scene and was a ‘spectator’ as the fight began but then ‘walked away.’

Doleman later claimed he had been ‘ambushed’ by Mr Murphy and acted in self-defence.

William Doleman, of Rossington Street, Newton Heath, was found guilty of murdering Alan Murphy by a Manchester Crown Court jury last month.

He was jailed for life and must serve a minimum of 24 years behind bars before he can be released on licence.

Judge Cross QC said he was satisfied Doleman was the aggressor who ‘savagely’ attacked Mr Murphy.

Mum-of-five Hough, of Blandford Drive, Moston, was found guilty of assisting an offender, following a trial.

Judge Cross jailed Hough for threeand-a-half years – half of which she will serve on licence.

He told Hough he accepted that her role did not ultimately deny justice, but said she was not to have known that.

Grant Doleman, 31, of Rossington Street, Newton Heath, pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice.

Rachel White, defending, said he had not known what had happened the night of the murder and didn’t want to get involved. He was jailed for 12 months.

 ?? ?? Killer William Doleman, left, Lisa Hough and victim Alan Murphy
Killer William Doleman, left, Lisa Hough and victim Alan Murphy

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