Manchester Evening News

Holding hands in Tesco, murderer and his victim’s lover


TO OTHER shoppers they must have looked like a normal couple.

But as Lisa Hough and William Doleman strolled through Tesco holding hands, they were hiding a terrible secret.

Just hours earlier Doleman had repeatedly stabbed Hough’s lover during a ‘savage’ attack on the Miner’s Estate, in Moston.

Alan Murphy suffered 30 separate injures, including a wound to an artery that caused “rapid and massive” blood loss and ultimately proved ‘unsurvivab­le.’

As detectives launched a murder investigat­ion, Doleman and Hough were making efforts to cover up the killing.

Doleman got rid of his mobile phone SIM card and then took his ex-girlfriend Hough – Alan’s lover – with him to the supermarke­t to buy a new one.

In CCTV footage that has now been released by the Crown Prosecutio­n Service, they can be seen holding hands.

It was an act a judge says was ‘posed’ so as not to arouse suspicion.

As he jailed Hough at Manchester Crown Court earlier this month, Judge Anthony Cross QC said: “The jury must have been appalled by the depravity and immorality of you holding hands with the man you knew had killed one of your lovers.”

The events that led up to that shopping trip were bookended by jealousy and anger.

At the centre of it all was Lisa Hough, 44. She had an on-off relationsh­ip with Doleman, 27, and the pair have a child.

Doleman claims Hough told him she and Alan, 39, were “just friends”. She had also promised her new lover Alan that it was over with Doleman.

Judge Cross said she ‘deceived’ both men. He also accused her of deriving a “twisted pleasure” from being the centre of both men’s attentions. The mumof-five was found guilty of assisting an offender and is now starting a three and a half year sentence behind bars.

Grant Doleman, 31, of Rossington Street, Newton Heath, tried to help his brother by misleading police at the beginning of their investigat­ion. He too has been jailed for 12 months after pleading guilty to perverting the course of justice. Doleman, also of Rossington Street, Newton Heath must serve a minimum of 24 years behind bars.

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 ?? ?? William Doleman, below left, and Lisa Hough, below middle, stroll through Tesco after the killing of Alan Murphy, below right
William Doleman, below left, and Lisa Hough, below middle, stroll through Tesco after the killing of Alan Murphy, below right

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