Manchester Evening News

We’ve gone from being heroes to unemployed



A CARE worker who was dismissed for refusing to get a Covid vaccine says the sacking has left her feeling ‘worthless.’

Holly Higgins had been working as a healthcare assistant at Appleton Manor in Bredbury, Stockport, for almost four years until she lost her job.

It came following the government mandate that all care home workers in England had to be double-jabbed by November 11. The requiremen­t applied to all care home staff except those medically exempt.

Holly, 28, was among the workers who refused to take the vaccine ahead of the deadline. She claims she submitted proof for medical exemption which was allegedly denied.

Now unemployed, the mother-ofone said: “I’ve had my heart ripped out. I’ve had to leave the residents I’ve looked after for three-and-a-half years. I feel so worthless.

“I feel like we weren’t valued at all throughout the pandemic. And now to be last year’s heroes and this year’s unemployed – it’s totally unfair.”

Holly, who lives in Bredbury with her young daughter, believes working through the pandemic led her developing health problems.

She believes she now has asthma and allergies, issues she never suffered from previously.

“In March, I thought I caught Covid because I lost my sense of smell and taste which I’ve not regained 18 months on,” she added.

“I can’t smell gas or anything. I’m certain it’s from testing as it was perfectly fine before all that.”

Holly, who also suffers with anxiety, says she submitted proof of her medical issues to her employees.

However, being allowed exemption from the vaccine was denied.

She said: “I had a meeting in August as I was the one who wasn’t vaccinated.

“I suffer from anxiety so became distressed in the meeting and they didn’t care. They told me if I didn’t have the vaccine, I would be dismissed.

“They said to try and get something off the GP to prove I had asthma and other health issues. I proved that and they said it wasn’t a good enough reason.”

Holly, who is currently unemployed, says she has no future plans to return to care work.

She added: “I’m going to try and tribunal it. I haven’t signed anything in my contract to say I’d have a vaccine. I’ve refused the flu jab every time I’ve been there.

“I just don’t have any injections so I’m not going to make an exception for Covid. What’s the point when you can still catch it?”

 ?? ?? Holly Higgins
Holly Higgins

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