Manchester Evening News

All I need to stop me vomiting 70 times a day is a battery - but it costs £10,000



A WOMAN needs a battery costing £10,000 to ward off the symptoms of a debilitati­ng stomach illness that can cause her to vomit more than 70 times a day.

Leanne Willian suffers from gastropare­sis, a long-term condition where her stomach cannot empty itself of food naturally.

The rare health issue, which affects just six per cent of people in the UK, means the stomach is partially paralysed. It causes constant severe sickness, nausea, pain and leaves her unable to eat.

Leanne, 39, received a diagnosis in 2008 after suffering from sickness her whole life.

Before being diagnosed, she could throw up more than 70 times a day.

Her life changed for the better when she was fitted with a gastric pacemaker that same year.

But two years ago, the pacemaker battery ran out, leaving Leanne once again in pain and vomiting every day. A new battery replacemen­t will set her back £10,000 - and it’s not available on the NHS.

Mum-of-one Leanne, from Bolton, broke down in tears as she said: “The worst part is that it took me away from my daughter and my family because I was always being sick and in pain. “As a baby, I had a really bad reflux. I was always a sickly child. “When I had my daughter at 22, it got progressiv­ely worse. “Before I got diagnosed, I was being sick all the time. “I’ve been going downhill. It’s affecting my life because I’m stuck in the house all day.

“I can’t see my family or friends. I can’t do what I used to enjoy or spend time with my husband and daughter because I’m going downhill.” Leanne, who was tube fed for seven years to bring nutrition to her stomach, says she has been in and out of hospital ever since her diagnosis.

The former carer, who was forced to give up work two years ago, says she has never been at home for more than two weeks.

Leanne is now crowdfundi­ng for a new pacemaker battery, which she previously obtained through private health insurance.

To donate towards Leanne’s surgery, please go to: www.gofundme. com/f/help-leanne-to-get-lifechangi­ng-surgery.

I can’t see my family or friends or spend time with my husband or daughter because I’m going downhill Leanne Willian

 ?? ?? Leanne, right, with husband Paul and daughter Faith
Leanne, right, with husband Paul and daughter Faith

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