Manchester Evening News

All health workers are heroes, regardless of Covid vaccine status


IAM writing in response to a letter printed in Viewpoints on Saturday, November 13 (Medical staff refusing to get Covid vaccine risk spreading virus). Whilst I am very much pro-vaccinatio­n, it is fundamenta­lly and morally wrong to force anyone against their will to be vaccinated or to threaten them with losing their job if they choose not to be vaccinated.

This is a step too far and a violation of an individual’s human rights, which cannot be justified.

Healthcare profession­als who have been double vaccinated are still able to catch Covid-19 and can still pass it on to others and so why are we choosing to penalise those who have chosen (for whatever reason) not to have the vaccine? It makes no sense.

For the government to introduce a ‘no jab, no job policy’ at a time when the care system is already in crisis is extremely reckless and short sighted.

They risk thousands of care workers leaving their jobs and the possibilit­y of nursing homes having to close down, putting further pressure on the system.

The vulnerable and elderly, who this policy is supposed to protect, will lose the care of extremely experience­d staff and homes may close because of staff shortages.

Mitigating the risks of Covid-19 in care homes is best done through the regular testing of staff and other measures such as PPE – not by sacking those who have worked so tirelessly over the pandemic to care for our elderly and vulnerable.

We should not be vilifying those carers and healthcare profession­als who choose not to get vaccinated but should be supporting them and appreciati­ng the very valuable job they do for society.

They are all angels in my eyes regardless of their vaccinatio­n status.

At times the government guidelines do not make sense.

The attitude of some people is that we have been doubled jabbed so we can do what we want, when really we should still be wearing masks in public places and on transport, keeping our distance and sanitizing hands.

The vaccine provides protection to the individual from getting a severe case of Covid, it does not stop you from catching it or passing it on – it might reduce the risk but does not stop it.

There are many that have been double vaccinated that have caught Covid, so we are all still at risk of spreading this virus.

The government’s decision on this is wrong on so many levels.

If the vaccine is vital, then it should be mandatory for everyone and not just for the ones who have been doing their best under difficult circumstan­ces because they care.

If I was a manager of a care home, I would not stop anyone from doing a job that they have done well for years... shame on this government. Mrs B. Nuttall, Stockport

 ?? ?? NHS workers will have to be fully vaccinated by April next year
NHS workers will have to be fully vaccinated by April next year

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