Manchester Evening News

PCSO ‘angels’ come to aid of vulnerable OAP


TWO police community support officers have been described as ‘angels’ after going ‘above and beyond’ to help a vulnerable pensioner on their beat.

PCSOs Colin Taylor and Paul Dawson took the 68-year-old shopping on their lunch break and later delievered a new television and washing machine which had been donated by a member of the public.

The man’s sister, who wishes to remain anonymous, said: “I can’t praise them enough - they knew he needed some help and didn’t hesitate.”

Colin and Paul first met the man, who lives in Firgrove, Rochdale, after responding to a call from a concerned relative. Once inside his house they realised he was struggling to care for himself.

Sgt Matthew Honey said: “They could see the man had no food in his fridge so they took him shopping on their own lunch hour instead of taking a break.

“They drove him to the shop, helped with the shopping and the trolley inside and then drove him back to his address.

“They have also passed on crucial details so that the correct agencies can help him going forward.

“They really have gone above and beyond the call of duty but that is nothing less than I would expect from my team.

“Acts like this are not a one-off and we are committed to helping the most vulnerable people on our beats.”

PCSO Dawson said: “We treated him as we would want our own families to be treated.

“We heard that he didn’t feel up to going out but when we offered to take him, he lit up and it clearly touched him.

“For us this is our bread and butter and serving the community is the most rewarding part of the job.

“Our referrals to other agencies will now ensure he has everything he needs.”

Chief Insp Danny Atherton said: “I am really proud of our PCSOs and how caring and considerat­e they have been. Little acts of compassion can go a long way.”

 ?? ?? PCSOs Colin Taylor and Paul Dawson
PCSOs Colin Taylor and Paul Dawson

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