Manchester Evening News

Deer? them is Seeing priceless

- By ALAN WRIGHT Lancashire Wildlife Trust

IWAS walking through the woods, with the dog, when I heard a commotion in the bushes to my left. Suddenly, three huge roe deer scarpered across the path and up the embankment to my right. All three stopped at the top of the bank to look down upon me – roe deer are remarkably nosey.

One stopped to ensure I wasn’t a problem and then they all marched off to enjoy the foliage.

Roe deer are also remarkably agile – they scaled a 20-foot embankment with ease and I have seen them leap, from standing, over a four-foot fence.

My Lakeland terrier does not chase deer – he is well-trained and sensible. What would a foot-high terrier do if it caught a 20kg deer?

Alfie tends to use his walks as a diary, checking up on his wee-mails and meeting new ladies on his patch.

It’s the first time I had seen deer in the woods since the end of summer and it was interestin­g to see a family group, with a fully-grown fawn.

Deer spend winter in groups for protection and warmth.

We are now at the end of the rutting season and the buck’s antlers were pretty obvious.

He was the one keeping an eye on us as we wandered 20 feet below him on the leaf-carpeted orange, brown and red path.

All three deer had dark grey-brown coats, their winter fashion.

In summer those coats had been more of a reddish brown.

For their size roe deer are remarkably well camouflage­d as they stand dead still in the woods and bushes.

However, you will spot them when they are running away because they have a buff or white rump.

They eat buds and leaves from trees and shrubs, as well as ferns, grasses and heathers.

They are considered a pest in some areas because they prevent the growth of woodland by nibbling at new buds on small trees.

It always amazes me that people get so angry about “pests”, like deer, rabbits and rats, when we have wiped out all the predators which used to keep these creatures at manageable levels.

The outcry when these beautiful animals need to be managed by humans is quite astonishin­g.

And roe deer are, indeed, beautiful creatures.

They may look delicate but they are tough and can certainly travel at great speeds.

When I see them in our local woodland, it really takes my breath away.

Seeing the three this morning has also made me happy all day and keen to get out of bed at 6.30am again tomorrow.

Nature is always there for us.

It has so many wonderful surprises. It makes our hearts beat and our souls sing out.

So we need to respect it and protect it, so it is there for everyone to appreciate in the future.

 ?? ?? Roe deer are inquisitiv­e creatures
Roe deer are inquisitiv­e creatures
 ?? ?? A roe deer enjoys the sunshine
A roe deer enjoys the sunshine

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