Manchester Evening News




WET MIX: 175ml oil; 175g plant based yoghurt/ coconut yoghurt; 170ml water; 100ml Plenish Oat M*lk; 1 medium avocado/ 100g avocado; 5g instant coffee; pinch of salt

DRY MIX: 125g caster sugar; 125g light brown sugar; 80g cocoa powder; 230g plain flour;

10g bicarbonat­e of soda; 5g baking powder

FOR THE GANACHE: 300ml Plenish Oat M*lk; 80g malt extract; 300g dark chocolate, I used 72% original beans Cru Virunga; 250g plant based ‘butter’, I used Stork


1. Preheat the oven to 160°C fan/180°C. Grease 2 x 8in cake tins and line with parchment paper on the bottom, cut two extra circles of parchment paper and leave aside.

2. Put the wet ingredient­s in a blender and blitz well. Put all of the dry ingredient­s in a bowl and whisk to combine.

3. Pour the wet ingredient­s into the dry ingredient­s and combine. Divide the mixture between the two lined cake tins and put a circle of parchment paper on top of each cake mix.

4. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until when a skewer is inserted it comes out clean.

5. Leave to rest for 20 minutes before flipping out onto a wire rack to cool completely.

6. For the ganache: Warm the oat milk and malt extract together in a pan until steaming. Add the chocolate and mix well. Blend with the plant based ‘butter’ and leave to sit for one hour.

7. Take one of the cakes and put it on a plate with a large lip, spoon some ganache on one side and put the other cake on top. Pour ganache all over the top of the cake and put it in the fridge for two hours.

8. Use a small palette knife to shape the ganache up the sides of the cake. Put on a clean plate and back in the fridge for another hour.

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