Manchester Evening News

Cop shared vile porn videos on WhatsApp



A POLICE sergeant has resigned in disgrace after an investigat­ion found he had shared vile pornograph­ic videos as well as discrimina­tory jokes on WhatsApp.

Married Glyn Martin, who had been a respected officer with Greater Manchester Police for 14 years, left the force in shame weeks before a disciplina­ry hearing found him guilty of gross misconduct.

The Rochdale -based officer – who has received counsellin­g for a self-confessed addiction to online porn – shared a series of vile clips, some showing sexual violence and bestiality and two offensive pictures featuring disabled people.

He also received – but did not forward – anti-Semitic and Islamophob­ic content as well as an image glorifying a white supremacis­t. Martin also confessed to ‘sexting’ and being engaged in ‘multiple concurrent chats’ online. “I am deeply ashamed of my actions,” he said. Sgt Martin resigned in March ahead of a disciplina­ry hearing which took place on April 25 and which concluded he would have been dismissed from the force had he not already left. The former officer refused to attend the hearing at force HQ in Newton Heath but the disciplina­ry panel allowed his request to attend remotely via Rochdale police station. He said he didn’t want to attend in person as he felt ‘anxiety.’

The panel was told Martin joined the force in December 2003 and was promoted to sergeant in September 2010.

He received images and videos ‘of an obscene, offensive and inappropri­ate nature’ and then forwarded some of them to others between March and November 2017, it reveals.

The material was uncovered when the officer’s home was searched by Lancashire Police. He told the panel: “I often forwarded images and videos without viewing them properly or in full. This was part of my compulsion.”

The panel concluded the conduct amounted to ‘gross misconduct.’ It took into account that he had sought counsellin­g for his addiction to online pornograph­y, had shown remorse and was of ‘previous good character.’

But the panel ruled out giving a written warning and concluded that Mr Martin’s conduct was so serious that in this case dismissal without notice was appropriat­e.

I often forwarded images and videos without viewing them - this was part of my compulsion Glyn Martin

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