Manchester Evening News

Cannabis haul at home of woman, 61


- By CHRIS SLATER @MENnewsdes­k

A WOMAN in her sixties who was found with hundreds of pounds worth of cannabis plants at her house has avoided jail after a judge heard about her “toxic relationsh­ip” and PTSD she suffers following a tragedy where five people died.

The plants worth nearly £500 were discovered after police raided the Salford home of 61-year-old Karen Kormoss nearly three years ago.

At the house in Little Hulton officers found two containers of female flowering cannabis plant heads in plastic tubes in Kormoss’

bedroom along with digital scales and snap bags, Manchester Crown Court heard.

In the bin in the rear garden at Dukesgate Grove, a further two containers of female flowering heads were found. The total haul was 48.43g of drugs worth £485 Paul Dockery, prosecutin­g, said.

She pleaded guilty to one charge of being concerned in the production of cannabis at an earlier hearing. Michael James, defending said his client suffered from a number of physical and mental health issues including post-traumatic stress disorder. “In 2017 she was a neighbour of a lady whose house was attacked and four children died in that attack, and subsequent­ly the lady as well” he said.

“That had a substantia­l impact on her and she was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).”

She also suffers from gastrointe­stinal problems, anxiety, and depression for which she takes a “cocktail of medication” which could sometimes “impact on her ability to make right decisions” he said.

At the time of the offending, she was in a relationsh­ip with a man with “a history of drug use, drug importatio­n and a history of domestic violence” and the man, from whom she has now split, had “preyed upon” her and “encouraged” her to begin smoking cannabis, Mr James said.

“This is a vulnerable lady who has many problems.

“She is deeply ashamed at being in court. She’s found it very traumatic,” he added.

The judge, Recorder Neil Usher, said that due to her “strong” mitigation he was able to step back from a prison sentence and impose a 12-month community order.

She was also ordered to complete 25 rehabilita­tion activity requiremen­t days and fined £100.

He added that he accepted she was “deeply affected” by the events next door to her home in 2017.

She is deeply ashamed at being in court. She’s found it very traumatic Defence counsel Michael James

 ?? ?? Cannabis plants worth nearly £500 were found at the home of Karen Kormoss
Cannabis plants worth nearly £500 were found at the home of Karen Kormoss

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