Manchester Evening News

Mum’s anger as daughter made to wear blazer


- By EMMA GILL @MENnewsdes­k

A MUM has criticised her daughter’s high school for making pupils wear blazers during the heatwave.

Despite this week seeing the hottest days of the year so far, the parent says her child returned from Sale High School ‘dripping in sweat’ and feeling ill as she’d not been allowed to take her blazer off all day.

The schoolgirl told her mum that only a few teachers allow kids to remove them in class, with others stating it’s school policy to wear them at all times.

The school in Sale, Trafford, is far from alone in its stance and the parent contacted the Manchester Evening News to call for schools to drop the draconian rule and consider the risks to children.

“As a health worker myself I think it’s disappoint­ing that schools aren’t taking the children’s health seriously,” said the mum.

“I think it’s outrageous that children across the UK are having to wear blazers in schools with temperatur­es expected to reach highs of 27 degrees.

“My daughter came home dripping in sweat, dizzy and feeling sick, only for me to learn she’s not allowed to take a blazer off in and around school grounds and to add to this only a selection of teachers allow it in the classroom.”

She added: “I understand the school policy and

I agree uniform is uniform, but for the children’s safety there’s ways of going around this.

“I feel if UK weather reaches higher then 25 degrees and no aircon is provided, I think blazers should be optional. I also feel small changes like PE kit would be a lot better and cooler.

“To learn even the teachers are wearing summer clothes while children are sat in blazers and some in trousers as well for six hours plus is beyond outrageous.”

After taking it up with the school, along with other parents, she says pupils were told on Thursday that they could take them off.

But she wants the policy changing at Sale High and other schools to avoid similar scenarios in the future.

“Children are in school risking their health and education for a dress code,” she said. “Yet if you pulled your child out you would be fined. I strongly believe the health education should put this into considerat­ion, not just for high schools, but for primaries and nurseries as well. “They have finally agreed that blazers can be taken off, however I feel this shouldn’t just be a oneoff, it should be a set policy across all school settings.

“If temperatur­es get above 25 degrees, students shouldn’t have to ask to take a blazer off if they’re too hot, this should be a child’s personal opinion and own judgement - a child shouldn’t be forced to wear a blazer or risk detection or being told off.”

The Manchester Evening News has approached the school for a comment.

 ?? ?? Sale High School
Sale High School

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