Manchester Evening News

Just what they really, really want


BBC2, 9pm

AS three incredibly loud, extrovert women come together for this intrepid road trip, the only question is, who will take the lead?

“What am I doing in the middle of the American Wild West with a Spice girl and an actress?” says Ruby Wax. “We’re following in the footsteps of one of my biggest heroines.”

Ruby, Melanie Brown and Emily Atack are retracing the footsteps of Victorian explorer Isabella Bird, whose exploits have been largely forgotten.

At a time when most explorers were men, Yorkshire born Isabella was a trailblaze­r.

Being prescribed mountain air to cure her malaise, in 1873 Isabella set off on her travels alone, riding 800 miles on horseback through the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. She befriended outlaws, climbed mountains and faced grizzly bears.

Using her original book A Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains as inspiratio­n, Ruby, Mel and Emily embark on their own threeweek Wild West adventure.

Emily says: “This is shameful but I’ve never really been anywhere. I can’t just sit on Instagram, there’s a whole world out there.”

When we first see them, they are singing “I tell you what I want, what I really, really want…” and talking about fancying Jeff the driver.

But the laughter eases when they are dropped off in the middle of nowhere and Ruby – the worst driver ever – takes the wheel of their transport.

Entering into the spirit, they head to a cattle ranch to try riding and wrangling.

The bewildered ranch worker says: “You guys are a hoot.” And that’s exactly what this is…

 ?? ?? Emily Atack, Ruby Wax and Mel B hit the American Wild West
Emily Atack, Ruby Wax and Mel B hit the American Wild West
 ?? ?? The trio follow in the footsteps of Ruby’s heroine Isabella Bird
The trio follow in the footsteps of Ruby’s heroine Isabella Bird
 ?? ?? Emily gets into the spirit
Emily gets into the spirit

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