Manchester Evening News

Dad saved thanks to sister’s plea to get cancer check


A NURSE pleaded with her brother to get checked for cancer, only to reveal a devastatin­g diagnosis.

Dad-of-eight Mike Crowe was ‘always very health conscious’ but ‘shied away’ from getting a prostate exam.

It was only when the 62-yearold’s sister, a Manchester Royal Infirmary nurse, said he should get checked for the cancer that he decided to go to his doctor.

“I went to my GP and I asked, ‘is it worth having this prostate check?’ and he said ‘absolutely, get it done,’” said Mike.

After a short examinatio­n, the GP told Mike that his prostate was very small, and sent him for further tests. “When I was diagnosed, my consultant and a nurse were in the room but no smiles. I knew something wasn’t right,” he said.

“They told me the biopsies have come back and that I have prostate cancer,” said Mike.

“Everything just went blank. I never drank or smoked and in my head there was nothing I could have done better to prevent this. The next day I got up and told myself, ‘I can beat this.’”

The cancer was caught early enough that it hadn’t spread, meaning Mike had a significan­tly better chance of recovery - there were also several treatment options available.

Mike opted for an operation and this was completed at Clatterbri­dge Cancer Centre in Liverpool - and after eight days he was back on his feet and back to work.

Now, Mike – a grandad-of-nine from Liverpool, is encouragin­g other men to come forward.

Prostate cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers Possible symptoms include: Needing to urinate more frequently – often during the night, needing to rush to the toilet, weak flow and blood in urine.

 ?? ?? Mike Crowe
Mike Crowe

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