Manchester Evening News

97% of hospital beds taken


DEMAND on the NHS is still skyhigh – with 97 per cent of all Greater Manchester hospital beds taken.

It comes amid warnings that pressure will rise yet again with the onset of more industrial action over the coming days.

The NHS crisis rages on as hospital bed occupancy remains at critical levels. As of January 26 the latest figures issued by Greater Manchester’s NHS, hospital bed occupancy is around 97pc. NHS chiefs have said that any number of 85pc is one of ‘an awful lot of concern.’

Despite the NHS’s proclaimed efforts to reduce the number of patients in hospital, the bed occupancy figures for the region have remained roughly static for weeks.

As of January 18, hospital bed occupancy was also around 97pc, as of January 13, it was again at 97pc.

On January 6, hospital bed occupancy was 98pc, with 12pc of beds occupied with Covid-positive patients.

Understaff­ing in the social care section means hundreds of patients medically well enough to go home cannot be safely discharged as there is no support in place for when they get there, risking a return to hospital.

Multiple medics have told the M.E.N. of wards in hospitals around the region filled with patients waiting weeks for care packages, leading to fewer beds being available for incoming patients.

Greater Manchester NHS leaders are encouragin­g people to get Covid and flu jabs to prevent deteriorat­ion from the illnesses. Mark Fisher, chief executive, NHS Greater Manchester, said: “With further industrial action this week, demand continuing for GP appointmen­ts and high levels of staff sickness the system has continued to feel pressured. As a system we have stepped up various plans to allow us to cope with this pressure and maintain the delivery of quality care across Greater Manchester.”

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