Manchester Evening News

Thugs jailed over brutal street attack



TWO vicious thugs ambushed three innocent men from behind as they were walking home from a night out – one was left deaf and unable to drive following the attack.

Jordan Smith, 30, and Simbarashe Mandaza, 26, had earlier been kicked out of Albert Schloss in Manchester city centre having been involved in a fight inside the bar with a different group.

As the three men, not known to either Smith or Mandaza, left the bar around half an hour later, CCTV footage captured the terrifying moment Smith, followed by Mandaza, ran up behind them and brutally attacked them.

Armed with a brick, Smith swung at the first man, hitting him to the head and knocking him to the ground. Mandaza attacked the second man, kicking and punching him to the floor where he continued raining punches down on him.

The third man tried to defend his friends, but Mandaza repeatedly punched him to the head.

One man has been left permanentl­y deaf in one ear.

Smith and Mandaza were both charged with attempted murder, but instead pleaded guilty to an alternativ­e offence of wounding with intent. They were both jailed yesterday.

Joe Boyd, prosecutin­g, told the court that on June 13 last year, at around 1.30am, the two defendants were involved in an altercatio­n with an unknown group of men inside Albert Schloss, located on Peter Street. Smith was ejected from the front and Mandaza was ejected from the back, onto Booth Street.

The two met on Booth Street before Smith left and returned to his black Nissan. He was then spotted jumping into a building site and taking a brick, before being spotted on the phone to Mandaza, Mr Boyd said.

“The two can then be seen looking in the direction of the entrance. At 2.16am, the three victims left Albert Schloss and turned right onto Deansgate,” Mr Boyd said.

Smith ran ‘immediatel­y’ behind one of the men, hitting him to the back of his head with the brick before he fell to the ground.

He then repeatedly hit him with the brick while he lay ‘defenceles­s.’

The pair then fled from the city centre in Smith’s car.

He was later tracked down by police through his registrati­on details.

Sentencing, Judge Elizabeth Nicholls said: “On the night of June 13 last year, you brutally, irrational­ly and barbarical­ly attacked the three victims in this case. This was cowardly, brutal, ruthless and savage.”

Smith, of Hulme Road, was jailed for 15 years. Mandaza, of Back Hulme Road, was jailed for 17 years. Both will serve two-thirds of their sentence in prison before they will be released on licence.

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 ?? ?? Jordan Smith and Simbarashe Mandaza
Jordan Smith and Simbarashe Mandaza

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