Manchester Evening News

JOANNE Watkinson


I used to get more than a little bit snarky at the mention of a vision board.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe in the power of positivity and intentions, but the cynic in me can’t get behind the idea of manifestin­g a Ferrari or a mansion in Beverly Hills.

Also, such gains seem at odds with the spiritual origins of manifestin­g.

But not everyone uses their vision board to imagine immense wealth. They are a great visual representa­tion of your goals: travel, house renovation, or the purpose I use them for most often – your wardrobe.

The vision boards of my past were cut from magazines. These days I use Pinterest. The app is super easy and you can have multiple boards: holiday looks, work looks, weekend looks.

If you have the time, the possibilit­ies are endless.

A good starting point, if you’re looking to change or refresh your personal style, is to start with a scenario or event you need an outfit for.

Begin with the colour, Then the clothes. Do you imagine yourself wearing a dress? If so is the skirt short or midi? Straight or flared? Sleeves or no sleeves? Printed or plain?

If it’s a trouser suit, what shape are the trousers?

Add all the images that catch your eye and then, when you have enough, eliminate them using my very scientific “this one or that one” method, until you build a picture that appeals to you.

Remember this is your vision board, there is no reason why it can’t include a smattering of celebritie­s, models and street-style stars if their look inspires you. Keep yourself front and centre, silhouette­s you feel good in, that flatter your body shape, a heel height or shoe type you can walk in and clothes that fit your lifestyle.

Full length is fabulous but not ideal if you’re chasing around after a toddler.

Throw in some wild cards for fun, but avoid novelty looks.

Schiaperel­li’s fake lion heads may have made headlines at couture fashion week but taxidermy isn’t coming back into fashion anytime soon. A wardrobe vision board isn’t about manifestin­g new clothes, it’s to give you ideas for styling clothes you already own.

It’s fun, and the best bit, it’s free. What have you got to lose?

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 ?? ?? NO TO NOVELTY: A fake lion’s head at the Schiaparel­li couture show
NO TO NOVELTY: A fake lion’s head at the Schiaparel­li couture show

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