Manchester Evening News

Police told to reinvestig­ate 999 complaint


- By NICK JACKSON Local Democracy Service

POLICE have been ordered to reinvestig­ate a 59-year-old man’s complaint over their treatment of him after he dialled 999 to report an assault by a woman.

The woman went on to accuse Paul Nugent, from Heywood, of raping her on three occasions. But he has never been charged with the offence.

Mr Nugent, himself a former military policeman, says the false allegation­s have ‘ruined my life and driven me to the brink of taking my own life.’

Greater Manchester’s Deputy Mayor for Policing has informed him that his claims are being referred back for further investigat­ion.

As highlighte­d by the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) in January, Mr Nugent made official complaints to Greater Manchester Police’s Profession­al Standards Branch over what he alleged was Rochdale division’s failure to bring charges against his accuser for making the allegation­s and, he said, ‘ignoring’ evidence which would have establishe­d his innocence.

Now, in a letter to Mr Nugent seen by the LDRS, the Assistant-Deputy Mayor for Policing Baroness Bev Hughes says: “I realise that making a complaint against the police, is, for most people, the last resort when they have tried other ways of getting answers about an incident that has affected their lives. I do not consider Greater Manchester Police’s findings are reasonable and proportion­ate.”

Baroness Hughes said she was returning Mr Nugent’s complaint to GMP for ‘further action.’

Specifical­ly, she recommende­d that GMP ‘considers providing Mr Nugent with a more comprehens­ive response in relation to his dissatisfa­ction with the actions of officers after he dialled 999’ when he was allegedly assaulted by his accuser.

In his written complaint to the PSB, seen by the LDRS, Mr Nugent said he was the victim telephonin­g 999 for ‘urgent police assistance.’

He said: “A male officer attended with another female officer. However, the woman police officer left my property within two or three minutes of entering my home. I was forced to sit outside my own home, while the male officer entered my home with my alleged attacker for over 30 minutes. He then left my property without speaking to [me] the victim or examining my injuries.

“Furthermor­e, in his police report, he listed me as a suspect in an assault.”

A GMP spokespers­on has previously said the force had received ‘nine contacts’ from Mr Nugent, some of which were ‘repeats’ of previously reported complaints or appeals and that the majority had been closed with no misconduct found.

On the latest move a spokespers­on for GMP said: “GMCA’s [Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s] recommenda­tions are currently being reviewed by Greater Manchester Police’s Profession­al Standards Branch. Until this has been fully reviewed GMP will not be commenting further.”

 ?? Paul Nugent. ??
Paul Nugent.

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