Manchester Evening News

Student jailed after mowing down boy who stole pal’s phone


- By AMY WALKER @MENnewsdes­k

A MAN behind the wheel of an Audi mowed down a teenager he believed had stolen his friend’s phone.

Ibraheem Anwar, 23 was out with pals in Rusholme when the 14-year-old ran down Claremont Road, hiding behind a van before turning onto Heald Place.

University student Anwar was following behind in an Audi A4. He mounted the kerb and drove at the boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons. The teenager stumbled and fell onto the road as he tried to get away.

Anwar again drove at him. Manchester Crown Court heard the boy was left with multiple traumatic injuries, including a fractured pelvis and damage to his lungs, spleen and head. He is understood to have made a full recovery.

Anwar, from Trafford, told jurors that prior to the incident, on July 13 last year, he met two friends and was travelling to the

Curry Mile, Wilmslow Road.

He said he stopped his car in Rusholme and that after he had parked up, one of his friends started smoking cannabis. The boy, he said, then approached and offered to sell them weed.

Anwar said his friend declined the offer and that the boy asked the passenger to hand over his phone so he could put in his number. The defendant claimed the teenager then ran off with the device.

The incident was captured on CCTV footage. It showed the boy staggering and falling onto the road as the car continued to be driven at him - before he was crushed underneath. He was briefly dragged down the road.

Police linked the car to Anwar. He handed himself in a day later, telling police: “My whole life’s over, mate.”

In a later statement , he told cops: “He has just fallen right underneath the car and I was just, I don’t know man.

“I didn’t mean to do it, it is just a big mistake.”

The boy, who has not cooperated with the prosecutio­n, was found with a machete. At trial, prosecutor­s argued Anwar intentiona­lly drove over the teenager.

Anwar, who previously admitted dangerous driving, insisted he didn’t know that the boy was underneath the car, claiming he was trying to ‘block’ the boy in a bid to retrieve the phone.

But the accountanc­y and finance student was found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm after a jury rejected his claims. He was cleared of attempted murder. Mitigating, Russell Fortt said: “His remorse has been genuine from day one. This was not a vulnerable 14-yearold. He realises he did wrong. It was one of those sliding door moments and he wishes he hadn’t gone through the door he went through.”

Sentencing, Judge Hilary Manley said: “Regardless of what he did and didn’t do, it was and always will be wholly disproport­ionate to have driven at a person as you did. However, having observed you during the trial, I am satisfied you acted entirely in a spur of the moment and you are remorseful.”

Anwar, of Lytham Road, Flixton, Trafford, was jailed for two-and-a-half years and banned from driving for three years and three months.

He has just fallen right underneath the car.. I didn’t mean to do it, it’s just a big mistake Ibraheem Anwar

 ?? ?? Ibraheem Anwar was jailed for two and half years
Ibraheem Anwar was jailed for two and half years

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