Ben Johnson Interview

The WEST HAM academy gem chats to MATCH about his journey so far and The Hammers’ sizzling season!



BEN SAYS: “During West a half-term, Week for kids to Ham had a Community I was invited play football. From there, from the age to train with West Ham of games and of seven, played a couple

I didn’t have a signed when I was nine! it was definitely position back then, but goal, so I’d towards the opposition’s be a striker!” probably say I used to


BEN SAYS: “For my 21st birthday, my parents made a scrapbook for me with loads of photos from throughout the ages! It had tickets from when I was a ball boy, reports from my old coaches, what I was good at and what I needed to improve, so that was touching!”


BEN SAYS: “When I started training Noble would with the first team, Mark me into come over and try to integrate the team. It was easier too because I I’d played with knew Declan Rice, who a bit in the academy. I saw what he he had was doing and the confidence it was doable!” and that made me think


BEN SAYS: “I was speaking to Craig Dawson before the game and he said, ‘I’ve got a feeling you’re going to score today!’ It was so weird!

When you’re playing wing-back, you have license to get into more advanced positions and luckily I put it away. If we won the game it would’ve made it a bit more special, but hopefully that point does make a difference at the end of the season!”


in BEN SAYS: “Jesse coming Lingard really needed! has been something we taken us to the He’s the player that’s market of next level and that’s the at in the players that we’ll be looking future. He’ s a great guy off the pitch, as much as he is on it. He’ s one of the so bubbly. What lads, one of us, and is is incredible!” he’s doing on the pitch


BEN SAYS: “I’ve always said just though the enjoy your football! Even academy system can be hard–I was when I was on the verge of release me going was 12 and 16 – what kept Everyone’s really loving football! matures at different and everyone enjoy the different times, so just moment with your team-mates!”


BEN SAYS: “It’s been really good working under him! From training, he’s got us fitter and working really hard off the ball. Our training sessions are really intense. We go into every game really confident and made ourselves hard to play against, and I think that’s down to how he talks to us and the way he believes in us!”


BEN SAYS: “If you play well for your club, it’s not impossible to play for England, as you’ve seen with Dec. I just want to enjoy my football, because when

I’m enjoying myself I play well and feel confident. a To play at World Cup for England is my dream!”

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 ??  ?? West Ham United has announced its latest Official Partner, Grintafy. We sat down with Ben Johnson about West Ham’s season and his football journey.
West Ham United has announced its latest Official Partner, Grintafy. We sat down with Ben Johnson about West Ham’s season and his football journey.

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