MBR Mountain Bike Rider



In order to jump you don’t need excessive speed. Instead you need to hold a strong position and be aware of where you drive your weight back into the trail with your legs. Start low on the approach, and as the jump starts pushing against you resist that compressio­n by powering up your legs. You should still be relatively low at this point. As the jump increases so does the force acting against you. Your body weight will start weighing heavily on your legs and you’ll need to start pushing back against that force to stay upright. As you near the top and your front wheel leaves the ground stay in a strong riding position and continue to push, with your legs peaking at the lip. Once in the air you should be back to your strong neutral riding position. No pulling your bike up. Legs straight and elbows out ready for landing.

 ??  ?? As the jump starts driving back against you resist a compressio­n by strengthen­ing your legs and holding your body weight up
Hold your Neutral Riding Position and resist pulling up
Increase the force through your legs as the jump continues to build
Come in for a smooth landing and ready to absorb as your wheels hit the ground
As the jump starts driving back against you resist a compressio­n by strengthen­ing your legs and holding your body weight up Hold your Neutral Riding Position and resist pulling up Increase the force through your legs as the jump continues to build Come in for a smooth landing and ready to absorb as your wheels hit the ground
 ??  ?? Float into land safely and smoothly
Float into land safely and smoothly
 ??  ?? Improving your jump technique will allow you to create that same feeling of control wherever you go
Improving your jump technique will allow you to create that same feeling of control wherever you go

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