MBR Mountain Bike Rider



Come in low with your elbows and knees bent. You can anticipate that the jump will drive more force against you as it gets steeper. With a bit of experience you can anticipate this, and get ready to balance that force by pushing back into it with your legs. This will support your weight as you roll up the jump and give you way more time and stability.

The biggest mistake that people make is to push too fast and too early, meaning that as the jump continues to progress they are already coming off the pressure and lifting the bike up into them in order to control it. Instead of doing this, change how you approach it. Think of the push that you’re doing into the jump as being the same as what the jump is doing to you. It should be a gradual drive that feels consistent and stable. The steeper the part of the jump you’re on the harder you’re driving against it to stay in control.

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