Ewan and Charley ride again

New Long Way Up mission looks set to hit screens in 2019


They have been around The World and down it, but now Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman are planning a new adventure; riding up from the southern tip of South America to the northernmo­st point of Alaska and filming it for a new TV series set to be called The Long Way Up.

“We are very much in the early planning stages at the moment,” Boorman told MCN. “I’m scared to say too much in case I jinx it, but hopefully it is going to happen. We are still trying to figure out how we are going to do it, but I’m so excited about the thought of getting the old team together again.” Although still being discussed, the likelihood is that the route will start at Ushuaia, Argentina, which is the southernmo­st tip of South America, and the pair will then ride north to Barrow, Alaska, which is North America’s northernmo­st city. This route will see the pair cover in the region of 15,000 road miles, so it is far from a small undertakin­g.

“It will definitely take a few months, South America is a beautiful continent to ride through so we won’t want to rush it,” said Boorman. “It will be work, but it will also be great fun and to do it with the old team of Ewan, Russ Malkin (the producer of the first two adventures), and the rest of the Long Way crew will be fantastic. We are all dead keen to make it happen so fingers crossed we will be able to do it in 2019. I honestly can’t wait.”

Another interestin­g aspect still to be decided is which bikes McGregor and Boorman will use this time, having earlier used BMW GSAs. Boorman is currently an ambassador for Triumph, but with a new BMW GS on the cards for 2019 they’re certainly not going to be left short of offers.

‘I’m scared to say too much in case I jinx it’ CHARLEY BOORMAN

 ??  ?? Latest ‘Long Way’ episode will be 15 years after first
Latest ‘Long Way’ episode will be 15 years after first

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